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Created September 15, 2017 20:00
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Rock a bye текст

Rock a bye текст -

Facing the hard life, without no fear Yeah! You find his school fee and the bus fare Yeah! Angels surround you, just dry your eye Yeah, ah, rockabye! Lift up your head, lift it up to the sky Oh, Rockabye! The song was leaked onto the internet prematurely on the 20th October and was officially released the day after. This song becomes their first single as a trio after violinist Neil Milan left the band earlier in the same week. Anne-Marie tells the story and we love her voice. Jack wrote the song with Ina Wrolsden, who wrote the words about her son, which is why it rings so true for us and is so emotional and special. The music video has the full credits. It says the dancers are:. Siriana Mecca trainer Rita Maria Conte dancer Nife agunbiade Alicja Blachut Joanne Elizz. Co-writer Ina Wroldsen penned the lyrics with her son in mind; its video follows an exotic dancer trying to make ends meet. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube. What have the artists said about the song? It says the dancers are: What have the artists said about the meaning of the song? Additional Programming Hal Ritson. String Engineer Anthony Leung. Release Date October 21, Verified Artists All Artists:

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