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Daniel Lobato García dLobatog

View GitHub Profile
Started POST "/api/compliance/graphql" for at 2019-04-23 18:56:27 +0200
Processing by GraphqlController#query as */*
Parameters: {"operationName"=>"System", "variables"=>{"systemId"=>"f5cf6f1c-fccf-4f41-8001-f12434cb0943"}, "query"=>"query System($systemId: String!) {\n system(id: $systemId) {\n id\n name\n profiles {\n name\n ref_id\n compliant(system_id: $systemId)\n rules_failed(system_id: $systemId)\n rules_passed(system_id: $systemId)\n last_scanned(system_id: $systemId)\n rules {\n title\n severity\n rationale\n ref_id\n description\n compliant(system_id: $systemId)\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n", "graphql"=>{"operationName"=>"System", "variables"=>{"systemId"=>"f5cf6f1c-fccf-4f41-8001-f12434cb0943"}, "query"=>"query System($systemId: String!) {\n system(id: $systemId) {\n id\n name\n profiles {\n name\n ref_id\n compliant(system_i
Processing by GraphqlController#query as */*
Parameters: {"operationName"=>nil, "variables"=>{}, "query"=>"{\n allProfiles {\n id\n name\n ref_id\n description\n total_host_count\n compliant_host_count\n __typename\n }\n}\n", "graphql"=>{"operationName"=>nil, "variables"=>{}, "query"=>"{\n allProfiles {\n id\n name\n ref_id\n description\n total_host_count\n compliant_host_count\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}}
User Load (2.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."username" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["username", ""], ["LIMIT", 1]]
↳ app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb:9
Profile Load (0.6ms) SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" WHERE "profiles"."account_id" = $1 [["account_id", "9f6f30ee-dd69-42e6-bfc0-374e85e3cdc7"]]
↳ app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb:10
ProfileHost Load (3.5ms) SELECT "profile_hosts".* FROM "profile_hosts" WHERE "profile_hosts"."profile_id" IN ($1, $2, $3, $4) [["profile_id", "4bfa5d57-10b8-433d-892c-9033e38356f
Started POST "/api/compliance/graphql" for at 2019-04-23 18:49:32 +0200
Processing by GraphqlController#query as */*
Parameters: {"operationName"=>nil, "variables"=>{}, "query"=>"{\n allProfiles {\n id\n name\n ref_id\n description\n total_host_count\n compliant_host_count\n __typename\n }\n}\n", "graphql"=>{"operationName"=>nil, "variables"=>{}, "query"=>"{\n allProfiles {\n id\n name\n ref_id\n description\n total_host_count\n compliant_host_count\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}}
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."username" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["username", ""], ["LIMIT", 1]]
↳ app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb:9
Profile Load (1.6ms) SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" WHERE "profiles"."account_id" = $1 [["account_id", "9f6f30ee-dd69-42e6-bfc0-374e85e3cdc7"]]
↳ app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb:10
ProfileHost Load (1.8ms) SELECT "profile_hosts".* FROM "profile_hosts" WHERE "profile_hosts"."pro
Running via Spring preloader in process 29251
Loading development environment (Rails 5.2.3)
[1] pry(main)> Settings.redis_url
=> ""
dlobatog  lenovolobato  ⋯  workspace  insights  iqe_venv  130  iqe plugin install --editable iqe-compliance-plugin
ERROR:iqe.scripting.plugin:iqe-iqe-compliance-plugin-plugin should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+
iqe-iqe-compliance-plugin-plugin should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+
⛔ ERROR: There was an error installing the plugin
dlobatog  lenovolobato  ⋯  workspace  insights  iqe_venv  iqe plugin install --editable iqe-compliance
ERROR:iqe.scripting.plugin:iqe-iqe-compliance-plugin should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+
Total allocated: 5506836 bytes (65639 objects)
Total retained: 2006125 bytes (23229 objects)
allocated memory by gem
2805349 activerecord-5.2.3
1715235 activemodel-5.2.3
445183 activesupport-5.2.3
348857 openscap-0.4.8
71778 set
Total allocated: 5055315 bytes (61207 objects)
Total retained: 1548926 bytes (18842 objects)
allocated memory by gem
2587647 activerecord-5.2.3
1688136 activemodel-5.2.3
348817 openscap-0.4.8
334888 activesupport-5.2.3
70848 set
Total allocated: 33630302 bytes (329357 objects)
Total retained: 2009203 bytes (23293 objects)
allocated memory by gem
19978631 activerecord-5.2.3
4402138 activemodel-5.2.3
3504122 activesupport-5.2.3
3474420 nokogiri-1.10.2
603698 activerecord-import-1.0.1
Total allocated: 37411347 bytes (407525 objects)
Total retained: 2045916 bytes (23539 objects)
allocated memory by gem
19978695 activerecord-5.2.3
4402138 activemodel-5.2.3
3968012 activesupport-5.2.3
3474420 nokogiri-1.10.2
1908243 ruby-kafka-0.7.6
Total allocated: 35782151 bytes (381839 objects)
Total retained: 2932120 bytes (30880 objects)
allocated memory by gem
18774034 activerecord-5.2.3
4424050 activemodel-5.2.3
3664035 activesupport-5.2.3
3474420 nokogiri-1.10.2
1946781 ruby-kafka-0.7.6