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Прочитайте текст определите какие из приведенных утверждений

Прочитайте текст определите какие из приведенных утверждений

Прочитайте текст определите какие из приведенных утверждений

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Досуг и увлечения молодежи

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A7—A14соответствуют содержанию текста 1 — True , какие не соответствуют 2 — False и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа 3 — Not stated. Robert Falcon Scott Robert Falcon Scott, known as Captain Scott or Scott of the Antarctic, was a British polar explorer. He joined the Royal Navy in Although he had no previous experience of polar research, in he became the leader of the British Antarctic Expedition. This expedition, known as the Discovery Expedition lasted from to Among other important things it determined the nature and size of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Departing from Cardiff, Wales, on the ship Terra Nova, the expedition reached the Antarctic coast in There Scott learned that the Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen, had already left for the Pole. Equipped with motor tractors, ponies and dogs, Scott and 11 members of his team set off for the Pole on 24 October Unfortunately, the motor tractors rapidly broke down and their ponies were unsuitable for Antarctic conditions. Very soon, six members of the team were sent back. The five explorers continued their dangerous journey across the snowy desert. On 16 January, they saw a black marker flag left by the Norwegian expedition, and two days later the party reached the South Pole itself, where the Norwegians had built a snow marker. Amundsen had reached the South Pole more than a month earlier, on 14 December Scott was greatly disappointed after the exhausting day journey and recorded in his diary, "This is an awful place and terrible enough for us to have reached it without the reward of priority. Two members fell ill and died, and the remaining explorers were frozen inside their tent in a terrible nine-day snowstorm. Eight months later a search party, led by Dr Atkinson, discovered the tent and the bodies of the explorers, along with the diaries and last letters of Scott. Scott had written a message explaining the reasons for the failure. The search party buried the brave explorers and built a snow memorial on their grave. Within days, Scott became a national icon. A campaign was launched to raise a memorial fund to continue the scientific work Scott had carried out. The Scott Polar Research Institute was founded. In the several years following the disaster, more than 30 monuments and memorials were set up in Britain alone. Not started 2 The British did a lot to keep the memory of Captain Scott alive. Since then, the book has been published in at least sixty languages, and some people say it is the best book ever created by an American writer. Samuel was born in He grew up in the state of Missouri on the Mississippi River. After his father died, young Samuel went to work as an assistant to a publisher. Ten years later, he became a pilot on a steamboat that sailed on the Mississippi. He heard the riverboat workers call out the words "mark twain! Later he used this word combination as a pen-name. In Clemens travelled west and became a reporter for newspapers in Nevada andCalifornia. He wrote news stories, editorials and sketches under his pen-name Mark Twain. He became one of the best known storytellers in the West. He developed his own narrative style — friendly, funny, and often satirical, which won him a wide audience. Mark Twain travelled a lot during his lifetime not only round the USA but also to Europe and the Holy Land. He naturally began writing books about his travels. He started writing in , but put the story away after about two years of work. He returned to it in , and the following year it was published. From the beginning, the book was strongly debated. Some critics praised its realism and honesty but the others strongly disliked it. They protested against the personality of Huck — a rough, dirty and disobedient boy. They could not agree that such a person should be the main character of a book. In Ernest Hemingway wrote: And there has been nothing as good since. There are feature films, musicals, cartoons and even Japanese anime. Мы будем вынуждены удалить ваши комментарии при наличии в них нецензурной брани, оскорблений или спама. Все задания Просмотр задания Задание от гостя: Добро пожаловать в мир других языков: Давайте сотрудничать Как помочь проекту Ваши комментарии и предложения Написать нам письмо.

Досуг и увлечения молодежи

А НГЛИЯ глазами русской училки. Закажите авторский диск с разработками в PowerPoint. English study cafe на Youtube. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A7—A14 соответствуют содержанию текста 1 — True , какие не соответствуют 2 — False и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа 3 — Not stated. The Best Job in the World. Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? In February an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed a caretaker for half a year. It was for a special person who would look after the Reef. The job offered a large salary, free accommodation in a luxury villa, and transportation there and around the islands. All expenses would be paid: You could only dream of such requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well. Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet blog. The job description also required the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and lifestyle. Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office received more than seven thousand online applications. All told, 34, people of all different nationalities applied. Each made and presented a second video resume. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK. Ben greatly enjoyed the dream job he had got. He realised that people knew very little about planet earth and its treasures. Living in big cities, they forgot how important the flora and fauna of this world were. Every time Ben went outdoors, he could discover something new. It was a good way to clean the mind and build respect for the natural world," Ben said. It was very busy, busier than most people imagined, and certainly busier than Ben himself had imagined. He worked seven days a week and up to 19 hours a day. The Best Job included travelling to over 60 islands of the Reef almost every day. It was not just looking after the Reef, Ben had a lot of meetings, press conferences and interviews. That was probably the hardest part of the job. Moreover, any adventure has a certain degree of risk. Swimming and diving on the Great Barrier Reef was not different. Ben had to deal with whales, sharks and other huge sea creatures. Surprisingly, the most dangerous thing was a small jellyfish about the size of a little finger. He had to spend a couple of days in hospital but luckily recovered after a course of antibiotics. Ben often says that the project has taught him a few valuable lessons. Working with the Internet is one of those jobs you can do 24 hours a day. Ben realised it was hard to separate life and work, but this he had to do. This is what I wish to do. О Сайте Занятия по Skype Мои предложения Узнай свой уровень Запишись на пробный урок Powerpoint для всех Маленькие хитрости Скачать презентации Шаблоны презентаций Клипарты Заказать диск Преподавателям Для урока Внеклассная работа Классному руководителю Полезное Англия глазами русской училки Английский детям Учимся читать Учим слова Немного грамматики Видео уроки Детские песни Тесты на оценку Учащимся Аудирование Чтение Говорение Письмо Лексика Грамматика Экзамены Учим английский с песней Англоговорящий мир Главная. Ostentatiously lofty in style. ГИА чтение А7-А14 демо Прочитайте текст. The Best Job in the World Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? Если Вы ошиблись, там -. За каждый правильный ответ начисляется 1 балл; Оценки:

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