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Damon P. Cortesi dacort

Thinking about some new idea...
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MongoMapper.connection ='localhost')
MongoMapper.database = 'solrtest'
class User
include MongoMapper::Document
has_many :lists
key :twit_id, Integer, :index => true, :unique => true
key :screen_name, String
key :name, String
key :location, String
# Hook our MongoMapper model into Solr
module MongoAdapter
class InstanceAdapter < Sunspot::Adapters::InstanceAdapter
def id
class DataAccessor < Sunspot::Adapters::DataAccessor
def load(id)
module MongoAdapter
class InstanceAdapter < Sunspot::Adapters::InstanceAdapter
def id
class DataAccessor < Sunspot::Adapters::DataAccessor
def load(id)
# This example shows how to setup an environment with a 'riak' gem set
# running Rails 3 (beta) + ripple (for riak) under ruby 1.9.1 .
∴ rvm update --head
# ((Open a new shell))
# If you do not already have the ruby interpreter installed, install it:
∴ rvm install 1.9.1
# Use the ruby + gem set
require 'rubygems'
require 'yajl/http_stream'
require 'uri'
require 'open-uri'
USERNAME = 'username'
PASSWORD = 'password'
# If you've got a ton of either, you'll have to fork and cursor through
fr_ids = Yajl::HttpStream.get(URI.parse("http://#{USERNAME}:#{PASSWORD}{USERNAME}.json"))
riak-0.9.1 dpc$ bin/riak start
dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022
dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022
bin/riak: line 51: 81400 Trace/BPT trap $ERTS_PATH/run_erl -daemon $PIPE_DIR $RUNNER_LOG_DIR "exec $RUNNER_BASE_DIR/bin/$SCRIPT console" 2>&1
javascript:$.getJSON(""+$("meta[name='page-user-screen_name']").attr('content')+"&include_rts=true&count=100", function(data){e = new Date(data[0]['created_at']); s = new Date(data[data.length - 1]['created_at']); alert(Math.round(data.length/((e-s)/(1000*60*60*24))) + " tweets/day.")});void(0);
# In here, we monkey-patch Net::SSH. Beware, there be dragons.
# Net::SSH can add hosts to the known_hosts file, but can't remove
module Net; module SSH
class KnownHosts
# Looks in all user known host files (see KnownHosts.hostfiles) and tries to
# remove an entry for the given host and key to the first file it is able to.
def self.remove(host, options={})
hostfiles(options, :user).each do |file|
insert/s query/s update/s delete/s getmore/s command/s mapped vsize res % locked % idx miss conn time
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5763 0.998 0 1 12:58:06
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5764 0.991 0.0417 1 12:58:07
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5765 1 0 1 12:58:08
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5765 1.01 0 1 12:58:10
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5766 0.997 0 1 12:58:11
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5766 0.811 0 1 12:58:12
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5767 0.997 0 1 12:58:13
0 0 0 0 0 1 468876 469281 5767 1 0 1 12:58:14
Twas the night before launch, when all through the server
Not a process was stirring, not even a crawler;
The init scripts were stored in rc.d,
In hopes that the sys admin soon would be free;
The Damon was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of multi-tenant architecture danced in his head;
And nginx all configured, and cap deploy at the ready,