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dams / .screenrc
Last active February 2, 2023 11:00
My screen config
# Major change: instead of Ctrl-a, we use Ctrl-o, because Ctrl-a is used for "go to the start of the line" in shells
escape ^Oo
# utf8
defutf8 on
# no annoying audible bell, please
vbell on
"tag_system": {
"icpc-2": {
"category": {
"A": "Général et non spécifié",
"B": "sang; système hématopoiétique et immunologique",
"D": "Système digestif",
"F": "Oeil",
"H": "Oreille",
"K": "cardio-vasculaire",
"L": "ostéo-articulaire",