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Danny de Vries dandevri

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Last active July 18, 2020 19:08
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Created July 21, 2020 12:17
Briefing SRP voor studiemateriaal SRP.

Naam: Danny de Vries

Inleiding over persoon (verhaaltje van +/- 75 woorden in de 3e persoon)

Een 'tinkerer' zo zou je Danny kunnen omschrijven. Nerden en werken aan digitale producten met code of meer fysiek met hardware zoals Raspberry Pi's, NodeMCU's of 3D printen. Hij houdt ervan om code te schrijven voor het web en heeft passie voor alles wat met technologie te maken heeft.

Na zelf afgestudeerd te zijn aan CMD Amsterdam en te hebben gewerkt in het bedrijfsleven heeft hij vrij snel besloten om weer terug te keren naar CMD Amsterdam om full-time les te gaan geven in de technische vakken van onze opleiding. Zijn doel? Studenten laten inzien dat je geen angst hoeft te hebben voor technologie. Dat 'klooien' met techniek speel kan en vooral heel leuk kan zijn.

Foto persoon (wordt profielfoto):


  • Abdulmalek; What are the limitation of CSS?
  • Mahtab, Amr; WHen to use flexbox and when to use grid? (or use bootstrap?)
  • Filimon; Can we use float and flex at the same time?
  • Sirin; What are the advantages and disadvantages of using gutter to build website?
  • Mansoor; Is it possible to use the same GitHub SSH key on other computers or should I make a new SSH key?
  • Oguz; Does it make sense to manipulate the HTML ordering with CSS commands?
  • Ghufran; In Github what is the difference between clone and download? (and how to download specific folder)
  • Amr; What is the difference between git checkout and git restore in command line?
dandevri /
Created March 20, 2022 09:48
  • Yasemin; When we delete a branch from our remote repository , should we delete the branch also from our local repository.
  • Omar; Looks like I need to deploy an ssh key for every repository I have?
  • Serva; Is it common to use branches for a project when we work alone?
  • Serva; One of the benefit of CSS framework is cross-browser functionality so if we don’t use CSS framework, how can we make sure if our website works well cross-browser?
  • Ali; Is it a good practice or sometimes necessary to use forking before the cloning in github?
  • Mansoor; Is it possible to change the branch name? Is it better to do it through the command line or through GitHub? And how?
  • Abdulmalek; What is the most popular (CSS?) framework, currently in demand by the labor market?
  • Abdulmalek; Why is it important that the HEAD symbolic must point to branch not commit?
  • Abdulmalek; How can I make my project history clean as much as possible?
  • Baraah; What differentiates between the commands git remote and git clone?
  • Nida; what is the standard way for self closing tags?
  • Ashraf; When i gave the header position: fixed; it sits above the main section and it hides top part of it. the question is why that happen?
  • Beyza; Why do we need CLI even though GUI does almost same thing. What is the advantage of CLI using?
  • Ibrahim; How can we define variable in CSS? Is it useful?
  • Amer; 1- Is there a default rule for the " sectioning elements " in CSS which will help you during styling the page? 2- which is better for the professional web developer ( sectioning element or div )?
  • Abdullah; Can inline styling be more useful than external styling in any situation?
  • Wael; where can we find "to adjust" the default parameters of html tags? Is it only according to which editor we're using? or the browser maybe??
  1. Beyza: My question is about the mobile first design. How can I use this? Is this common in business? How can I make this a habit? Could you explain this feature a little,please?
  2. Ashra: My question is how can I display the code I uploaded on Github as a website? So other people with the link can see my design.
  3. Ibrahim: My question is that when we decide to create new website what should we do first about our structure for html and css? Should we start to write all html codes first then css or go part by part?
  4. Etem: As far as I understand with flexbox we can make flexible website and by adding media queries we can arrange the layout website according to screen. So Is it a good way to create a modern responsive website with flexbox and media queries only without using grid?
  5. Wael: In week 1 I've installed git bash to use it as cli software, and then in week 2 I use it as git, so what's the difference between them ? Are they even separated software apps?
  6. Wael: Do we have to name every html fil
  • Sezgin: In web application development project, who is in charge in the team for the following processes: Dividing the project into sections and assigning developers. Grants the permissions to create branch and merge in version control. Merging and integrating project sections.
  • Nida: Can we create separate repository for subfolders that are part of another repo?
  • Beyza: My question is about the “merge” and “rebase”. I don’t understand what is the difference between two? Is “rebase” an alternative that does the same thing or is there some difference?
  • Ibrahim: how can we controle css bugs? For example when positioning an element that doesn't come position that we want, or when we have problem sizing, margin, and padding or something else. I usually controle in developer tools but if you know some tricks with examples it would be very good:blush:
  • Ibrahim: can we change name of branch later? Is this can cause any problem while merging or in another process?
  • Mones: if team builds website, and tow of th
  • Ahmad: I didn't understand the third question from the CLI challenge from week 1; How do I append a message to a file, without a newline character, so the output would be: first messagesecond message
  • Aleksei: My question is about the prep exercise. Specifically, about the case when we build a grid where there are 2 elements in the first line, then there are 3 elements per line. I tried many ways because the task was to do without fixing the HTML code. In the end, I did it using grid areas, but for this I had to describe all 14 elements, in which place they stand. Maybe there is some other easier way to do this? I didn't find it.
  • Vladimir: also have a question about choosing grid items. How we can specify 1 element from the grid and then change it parameters? The second question about using Special Units & Functions in grid. There are Sizing Keywords (like min-content, max-content, etc.), minmax() function, repeat() function an so on. When and how we can use them?
  • Yusuf: In which cases do we use mult