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Dan danhammer

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(def beta (let [src (hfs-seqfile "/mnt/hgfs/Dropbox/betas")]
(vec (flatten
(??<- [?beta]
(src _ ?eco ?beta)
(= ?eco 40146))))))
(defn logistic-prob-wrap
[beta-vec feature-vec]
(let [beta-mat (to-double-rowmat beta-vec)
features-mat (to-double-rowmat (vec (flatten feature-vec)))]
dan@hammer-statistic:~/Dropbox/github/danhammer/forma-clj$ lein clean
Downloading: lein-swank/lein-swank/1.4.4/lein-swank-1.4.4.pom from repository central at
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'lein-swank:lein-swank:pom:1.4.4' in repository central (
Downloading: lein-swank/lein-swank/1.4.4/lein-swank-1.4.4.pom from repository clojars at
Transferring 1K from clojars
Downloading: lein-swank/lein-swank/1.4.4/lein-swank-1.4.4.jar from repository central at
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'lein-swank:lein-swank:jar:1.4.4' in repository central (
Downloading: lein-swank/lein-swank/1.4.4/lein-swank-1.4.4.jar from repository clojars at
(ns forma-local.core
(:use forma.thrift
[forma.hadoop.pail :only (?pail- split-chunk-tap)])
(:require [incanter.core :as i]
[cascalog.ops :as c]
[forma.trends.analysis :as analyze]
[forma.thrift :as thrift]
[forma.classify.logistic :as log])
(:import [backtype.hadoop.pail Pail]))
danhammer / gist:3069195
Created July 8, 2012 03:46
stdout from aggregate-fires
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 177 234 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:0, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 178 201 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:0, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 178 239 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:1, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 179 504 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:0, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 180 239 FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:2, bothPreds:0, count:2)
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 181 8 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:1, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 181 144 <DataValue fireVal:FireValue(temp330:0, conf50:1, bothPreds:0, count:1)>
fire 2011-01-01 1000 21 8 181 202 <DataValue fireVal:Fi
danhammer /
Created August 11, 2012 00:01
Python implementation of FORMA trend processing
danhammer / gist:3669839
Created September 7, 2012 21:30
entropy measures
(ns forma.trends.entropy
(:use [forma.matrix.utils]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :only (sqrt floor abs expt)]
(:require [forma.utils :as utils]
[incanter.core :as i]
[incanter.stats :as s]
[incanter.charts :as c]
[forma.trends.filter :as filter]))
danhammer / infotheory.clj
Created December 14, 2012 20:55
permutation entropy in #clojure
(ns computing.infotheory
(:use [clojure.math.numeric-tower :only (sqrt floor abs expt)])
(:require [incanter.core :as i]))
(defn- ordinal-idx
"Returns a sequence of indices that rank the values of the supplied
time series in ascending order. If there are equal values, the
lexicographic ordering kicks in and the order at which the values
appear is used to order the indices.
danhammer / dice.clj
Created December 19, 2012 17:23
Given the observed average from rolling a six-sided die, what are the probabilities associated with each side? An information theoretic approach to finding the distribution.
(ns computing.dice
(:require [incanter.core :as i]
[incanter.optimize :as optimize]
[incanter.charts :as c]
[incanter.stats :as s]))
;; Given the observed average from rolling a six-sided die many times,
;; what are the probabilities associated with each side of the die?
;; For a fair die, all sides are equally likely, such that the
;; probability is 1/6 for each side. If we roll the fair die


Clojure implementation of the Balance Optimization Subset Selection method.


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danhammer / gee.markdown
Last active December 17, 2015 10:18
A list of items that we have checked off for the port of FORMA to Earth Engine.

We continue to work with Thau and colleagues to port the FORMA algorithm to Earth Engine. It is clear that the exact FORMA algorithm cannot be implemented on EE without considerable effort from the Google team. There is currently no logistic classifier, for example, among other constraints. However, we are working with Thau et al. to make minor modifications to the algorithm to balance fidelity with ease/speed of implementation. Many of these modifications do not seem like concessions at all, but rather enhancements to the current methodology. With that said, the following is a list, to date, of the items that we have completed in the ongoing effort to implement the FORMA algorithm with the EE API.

  1. Built the cluster infrastructure to map across partitions and specifically to map the training algorithm across each tropical ecoregion. The objective is to build a classifier image for each ecoregion, independent of any other ecoregion. We had briefly experimented with the map() method in Earth Eng