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public abstract class CrudController<T extends Model> {
protected Form<T> form;
private Template1<Form<T>,Html> composeTemplate;
private Template1<T,Html> showTemplate;
private Template2<T,Form<T>,Html> editTemplate;
private Template1<List<T>,Html> listTemplate;
private Finder<Long,T> finder;
public CrudController(Class<T> clazz,
danielberndt / requests.js
Created March 12, 2015 19:32
Using superagent is just fine
// By including either of those libraries the minified code size will increase by...
var request = require("superagent"); // 9.05 kB
var request = require("qwest"); // 7.8 kB
var request = require("rest"); // 28.8 kB
var request = require("browser-request"); // 6.37 kB
var request = require("reqwest"); // 10.1 kB
danielberndt / app.rb
Created October 27, 2015 21:47
sending exceptions straight to slack
require 'slack-notifier'
slack_notifier = HOOKURL, username: 'oh-noes'
rescue_from :all do |e|
attachment = {
fallback: "stacktrace",
color: "danger",
fields: {|line| {value: slack_notifier.escape(line), short: false}}
danielberndt / load-from-json.js
Last active February 26, 2020 12:36
load pixi.js sprite sheet jsons via webpack
this allows you to use all of webpack's goodness to load your sprites.
here's some benefits:
- saving one roundtrip since webpack's json-loader will inline the json data into the script. Thus it doesn't need to be loaded from the server first
- use a lot of the file-loader power and beyond to create cache-busting urls, and apply image-minification via e.g. image-webpack-loader
import PIXI from "pixi.js";
danielberndt / material-ui-tabs-react-router-4.jsx
Created March 23, 2017 17:26
Failed attempt at combining material UI and react-router-4
const routes = [
{label: "Home", url: "/"},
{label: "Sub Page", url: "/sub"}
const TabsElement = () => (
<Tabs value="match">{{label, url}) => (
<Route path={url} exact>{({match}) => (
<Tab label={label} value={match && "match"} containerElement={p => <Link {...p} to={url}/>}/>
import React from "react";
import ResizeObserver from "resize-observer-polyfill";
import shallowEqual from "fbjs/lib/shallowEqual";
export default class PausableMeasure extends React.Component {
node = null;
state = {bounds: null};
componentWillMount() {
if (!this.props.dontMeasure) this.setup();
danielberndt / Ui.js
Last active October 16, 2017 14:19
Glamorous Ui Library Example
import React from "react";
import B from "glamorous";
import {Link} from "react-router-dom";
import col from "./colors";
const FullHeight = B.div({
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
flex: "auto",
minWidth: 0,
danielberndt / app.ts
Last active December 31, 2017 14:54
This is the result of some prototyping with zeit/micro and creating type-safe handlers that progressively enhance the `req` variable via function composition
import * as http from "http";
interface Handler<T extends http.IncomingMessage> {
(req: T, res: http.ServerResponse): any;
type WithDB = {db: number};
function withPg<T extends http.IncomingMessage>(handler: Handler<T & WithDB>): Handler<T> {
return (req, res) => {
const newReq = req as T & WithDB;
danielberndt / IsIntersecting.jsx
Created January 7, 2019 11:20
IsIntersecting Component using IntersectionObserver
import React from "react";
export default class IsIntersecting extends React.Component {
state = {isIntersecting: false};
observer = null;
rootRef = React.createRef();
elementRef = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
danielberndt /
Last active October 26, 2022 09:45
Codecks Api Guide

Quick Guide to Tinkering with the Codecks API

Version: Jan 2021

The Codecks API is the source for powering the web app, so expect it to be fairly stable and expansive. We can't yet make any guarantees regarding the stability of all schema definitions and endpoints at this point. So tread with care!

To get started you need to extract your access token. This token will allow anyone who holds it to impersonate you. This also means they have access to all the same Organizations and contents as you do via the web app. So be careful who you share it with. You might want to create an observer user and use their token if this helps your use case (and the observer limitations suit your use case) you might also create a new non-observer user but this will count towards your user quota.

To extract the token, check requests going to the codecks api ( There you'll find a cookie called at containing your token.