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Daniel Cooper danielcooper

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andyt / gist:2146950
Created March 21, 2012 13:39
Ha ha ha - just found this in some code one of our devs wrote.
DateTime.parse(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT NOW();").fetch_row[0]).hour < 6
straydogstudio / circle_path
Last active September 11, 2018 21:18
Convert latitude/longitude pair with radius in meters to 16 sided polygon useful in GIS. Useful for converting a Google maps drawing manager circle into a polygon for storage in a GIS system. Implemented as a class method.
def self.circle_path(center, radius, complete_path = false)
# For increased accuracy, if your data is in a localized area, add the elevation in meters to r_e below:
r_e = 6378137.0
@@d2r ||= Math::PI/180
@@multipliers ||= begin
segments = 16
dRad = 2*Math::PI/segments
(segments + (complete_path ? 1 : 0)) do |i|
rads = dRad*i
y = Math.sin(rads)

Client-side SSL

For excessively paranoid client authentication.

Using self-signed certificate.

Create a Certificate Authority root (which represents this server)

Organization & Common Name: Some human identifier for this server CA.

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
jagthedrummer / sidekiq_transfer.rake
Created April 5, 2017 19:58
Rake task to transfer Sidekiq jobs from one redis instance to another
# This task should be run inside an environment that is already configured to connect to the redis
# instance that we're transfering AWAY FROM.
# The task should be handed the URL of the redis instance that we're MOVING TO.
# To run it and pass in the destination Redis you'd do something like this:
# rake sidekiq:transfer[redis://...]
# As jobs are added to the destination Redis, they're deleted from the source Redis. This
# allows the task to be restarted cleanly if it fails in the middle due to a network error
carlolars /
Last active February 4, 2024 07:21
HOWTO: Use WSL and its Git in a mixed development environment

How to setup a development environment where Git from WSL integrates with native Windows applications, using the Windows home folder as the WSL home and using Git from WSL for all tools.

Note if using Git for Windows, or any tool on the Windows side that does not use Git from WSL then there will likely be problems with file permissions if using those files from inside WSL.


These are the tools I use:

  • git (wsl) - Command line git from within WSL.
  • Fork (windows) - Git GUI (must be used with wslgit)
  • wslgit - Makes git from WSL available for Windows applications. Important! Follow the installation instructions and do (at least) the first optional step and then the Usage in Fork instructions.