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%% @author Daniel Kwiecinski <>
%% @copyright Daniel Kwiecinski author.
%% @doc Example of redirect webmachine_resource.
-export([init/1, resource_exists/2, moved_temporarily/2, previously_existed/2]).
init([]) -> {ok, undefined}.
-author("Daniel Kwiecinski:").
-purpose("string replace functionality").
sub(Str,Old,New) ->
RegExp = "\\Q"++Old++"\\E",
re:replace(Str,RegExp,New,[multiline, {return, list}]).
gsub(Str,Old,New) ->
On Safari Online there is book available from Erlang O'Reilly Media, which will be released just tomorrow - June 26, 2009
Content of the book has a little bit of everything. Starting from the language basics and the introduction to its different applications, e.g. GUI programming, integration with Java, OTP and Mnesia.
I have read the whole book with a real pleasure.
So now we have two books, the first one was, published in 2007, Pragmatic Programming Erlang.
There are a lot of people who are living with emacs around the world.
Sometimes, it is very fun to see how they use emacs and even very helpful to learn from it.
Screencasts show how people actually work with emacs.
You can pick up valuable usage patterns, just by looking over someones shoulder.
== What is screencast ? ==
Screencast is a kind of "video screen capture" with/without voiceover.
== Tips in creating emacs screencast ==