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Dan Lewer danlewer

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danlewer / gist:10581359
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
Sudoku solver in R
# save your sudoku as a tab delimited text file. Stringr is for the function str_count
puz <- as.matrix(read.csv("sudpuz.txt", sep="\t", header = F))
y <- c(puz)
# make keys
sq_start <- c(1, 4, 7, 28, 31, 34, 55, 58, 61)
key <- matrix(1:81, 9, 9)
danlewer / direct_standardise.R
Last active January 29, 2023 09:10
Estimation of confidence intervals for directly standardised proportions / prevalences
# example data
actual <- expand.grid(age = 1:3, sex = c('m', 'f')) # age groups 1:3
actual$n <- c(103, 313, 584, 606, 293, 101)
actual$true_prob <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.15, 0.25, 0.45)
dat <- actual
dat$sample_success <- rbinom(nrow(dat), dat$n, dat$true_prob) # study sample
danlewer / bootstrap_means_paired.R
Last active March 16, 2019 20:58
Bootstrap confidence interval for difference in means with paired data
# function
mbPaired <- function(x, y, B = 1000) {
lx <- length(x)
ly <- length(y)
if (lx != ly) stop('x and y differ in length')
# sample indices
M <- sample(seq_len(lx), size = lx * B, replace = T)
# calculate differences and mean of differences
diffs <- x[M] - y[M]
danlewer / make_age_groups.R
Last active March 17, 2019 13:43
Turn a continuous variable into a labelled factor variable (wrapper for findInterval)
make_age_group <- function(ages, min_val = seq(10, 100, 10)) {
x <- findInterval(ages, min_val)
y <- setNames(, list(x), range)), c('group', 'min', 'max'))
y$label <- ifelse(y$min == y$max, y$min, paste0(y$min,'-',y$max))
return(factor(x, y$group, y$label))
danlewer / easyRoc.R
Created March 17, 2019 22:19
Make a simple ROC curve and calculate area under ROC
# function
# 'screen' is numeric vector of scores from the screening tool
# 'gs' is a logical vector showing gold standard disease status
# 'vals' is a numeric vector of screening tool values to test (including all values in 'screen')
# returns a ROC plot and a list where the first value is the sensitivity and specificity for all values of 'val', and the second is the area under ROC
easyRoc <- function(screen, gs, vals) {
pos <- screen >= rep(vals, each = length(screen))
pos <- matrix(pos, ncol = length(vals))
sens <- colSums(gs & pos) / sum(gs)
# rescale a numeric vector to new maximum and minimum values
# original values will map to new values in a linear fashion
rescale <- function(x, MIN, MAX) { # linear rescaling
y <- x - min(x)
y <- y * (MAX - MIN) / max(y)
y + MIN
# example
# function requires data.table
# exact matching function
# stratifies dataset and then selects random observations within strata
# data = dataset containing:
# this code calculates a life table using mortality rates by single-year-of-age
# confidence intervals are calculated assuming that each year-of-age is an independent sample
# make sample data
dat <- data.frame(age = 0:99)
dat$person_years <- 50000 / (1 + exp(-(seq(10, -5, length.out = nrow(dat)))))
# 'a' is a vector
# 'vals' is a vector
# returns a vector of same lengths as 'a' showing the last value in 'a' equal to any value in 'vals'
# 'fill' is the value given if none of the values in 'vals' has yet occurred in 'a'
# 'excl' is a vector specifying values of 'vals' that are to be excluded. Best used when vals is not specified (and defaults to unique(a))
last_status <- function(a, vals = unique(a), excl = NA, fill = NA) {
if (! {vals <- setdiff(vals, excl)}
i <- a %in% vals
j <- a[i][cumsum(i)]
# make a merrimekko chart (100% stacked bar chart with variable widths)
# m is a matrix
# cols is a vector of colours of same length as number of rows in matrix
# ... is other arguments passed to plot
# set par(xpd = NA) to see x-axis labels
mm <- function(m, cols = NA, ...) {
widths <- colSums(m)
xs <- c(0, cumsum(widths)) / sum(m)
xl <- rep(xs[-length(xs)], each = nrow(m)) # x-left