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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

This isn’t anything new, or anything complex. But it’s handy, and for those who don’t know about it, well, you should know about it.
Have you ever been working on some code to build the next whatever-feature, and during that process, you realize some other bug that needs fixed, but isn’t necessarily a part of your whatever-feature? Here’s an alternative to handle that situation:
$ git stash
[fix the bug]
$ git commit -a -m "bug is now fixed"
$ git stash pop
git stash saves your changes and gives you a clean tree. Then you can do whatever it was you wanted to do (in this case, fix the bug) and commit it. git stash pop brings your changes back, and you can continue as if nothing ever happened. Sweet.
# Create your own date styles
# environment.rb
:simple => "%d %b %Y",
:last_login => "Last login: %m/%d/%y at %I:%M %p"
# used the same as above
>> now.to_s(:simple)
git checkout -b some-experiment
# do some work
git commit -m 'some feature'
# do some more work
git commit -m 'some other feature'
# experiment fails
git checkout master
# start working on new thing
git commit -m 'some mundane bugifx'
# realize I need some code from my experimental branch, but not the whole thing
RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.8' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERIONS
require File.joing(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot')
# This silences the Gem has no spec file warnings
Rails::VendorGemSourceIndex.silence_spec_warnings = true
# FreeAgent API Project Create
# Required attribues
# :contact_id
# :name
# :billing_basis # must be 1, 7, 7.5, or 8
# :budget_units # must be Hours, Days, or Monetary
# :status # must be Active or Completed
def create_freeagent_project(current_user)
contact = Freeagent::Contact.find_by_name(company.companyname)
p = Freeagent::Project.create(
# FreeAgent API Project Create
# Required attribues
# :contact_id
# :name
# :billing_basis # must be 1, 7, 7.5, or 8
# :budget_units # must be Hours, Days, or Monetary
# :status # must be Active or Completed
def create_freeagent_project(current_user)
contact = Freeagent::Contact.find_by_name(company.companyname)
p = Freeagent::Project.create(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title>Company Name Commits</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="alternate"/>
<name>John Doe</name>
for file in *.jpg; do newfile=`echo $file|sed 's/.jpg$/.JPG/'` ; mv -i "$file" "$newfile" ; done
dannymcc / gist:840426
Created February 23, 2011 13:25
Display different layouts depending on login state
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
layout "another"
# another way
layout :another_by_method
def another_by_method
if current_user.nil?
dannys-macbook:/ danny$ id
uid=501(danny) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff),501(access_bpf),401(,403(,12(everyone),33(_appstore),61(localaccounts),79(_appserverusr),80(admin),81(_appserveradm),98(_lpadmin),100(_lpoperator),204(_developer),402(