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public class GraphQLQuery {
private String query;
private Object variables;
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library EyesLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Check The Main Demo Page
Open Browser Chrome
Click Link ?diff
Eyes Open
Eyes Check Window DemoApp Main Page Fully
rem Install Robot Framework, Selenium, EyesLibrary packages and dependencies
pip install robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary eyes-robotframework
rem Run EyesLibrary initialization script
python -m EyesLibrary init-config
rem Set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY environment variable
set /p APPLITOOLS_API_KEY="Enter your Applitools API Key: "
# Run this script to install and initialize the library and then set your API key
# Install Robot Framework, Selenium, EyesLibrary packages and dependencies
pip install robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary eyes-robotframework
# Run EyesLibrary initialization script
python -m EyesLibrary init-config
# Set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY environment variable
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library EyesLibrary
*** Variables ***
${clickDiffLink}= ${False}
*** Test Cases ***
Compare The Random Number Sentence
Open Browser Chrome
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library EyesLibrary
*** Variables ***
${useCheckWindow}= ${True}
*** Test Cases ***
Compare Eyes Check Window versus Eyes Check
Open Browser Chrome
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library EyesLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Check the Login page
Open Browser Chrome
Eyes Open
Eyes Check Window DemoApp Login Fully
Eyes Close Async
it("Verify page description", () => {
"Testing SEO data using automation."
it("Verify page title", () => {
cy.title().should("eq", "Automated Testing for SEO | Regression");
it("Verify jsonLD structured data - simple", () => {
// Query the script tag with type application/ld+json
cy.get("script[type='application/ld+json']").then((scriptTag) => {
// we need to parse the JSON-LD from text to a JSON to easily test it
const jsonLD = JSON.parse(scriptTag.text());
// once parsed we can easily test for different data points