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chrismiles /
Last active September 2, 2021 00:26
Lazy script to wrap Reveal lib load/start commands in one LLDB command.
""" File:
Add to ~/.lldbinit:
command script import ~/.lldb-scripts/
Q: Want to automatically load the Reveal lib on launch while debugging from Xcode?
A: In Xcode:
Add a Symbolic Breakpoint
Symbol: "UIApplicationMain"
Action: Debugger Command with value "reveal"
Let's Reinvent Modern CPU Caches!
In The Beginning, programs were hard-coded, entered directly with switches. Values would be input, and then results would output,
but couldn't really be stored. We'll draw this like so:
Input -> Fixed Calculations -> Output
An early improvement in generality was the addition of storage (ENIAC eventually gained 100 words of magnetic core memory),
leaving us with something along these lines: