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danzimm / mach_list_services.c
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
List the mach services on your computer, or at least all the ones up the default bootstrap chain!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <bootstrap_priv.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void error(int a, int r, const char *str) {
const char *err = bootstrap_strerror(r);
fprintf(stderr, "%s (%#02x) %s\n", str, r, err);
danzimm /
Created September 1, 2014 20:41
Drop something like this in ~/Library/LaunchAgents and you get dot-clipboard forevah ;D
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
'use strict';
// npm install request async
var request = require('request');
var async = require('async');
var Notification = require('node-notifier');
danzimm / Whoa.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
func +(a: NSAttributedString, b: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString {
let muty = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: a)
return muty
extension String: CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
public func customPlaygroundQuickLook() -> PlaygroundQuickLook {
let colors: [UIColor] = [
.redColor(), .orangeColor(), .yellowColor(),
danzimm / bit.s
Created June 3, 2012 01:46
get your intel processor branding string whoop whoop
.globl start
.ascii "%s\n\0"
push %rbp
mov %rsp, %rbp
sub $0x30, %rsp
danzimm / helpers.hpp
Last active September 25, 2016 17:15
Objective-C++ object type helpers
template<typename T>
struct remove_ownership {
using type = T;
template<typename T>
struct remove_ownership<__strong T> {
using type = T;
danzimm / hash_extension.cpp
Created October 12, 2016 16:25
std::hash extensions
template<typename T, typename U>
struct std::hash<std::pair<T, U>> {
std::size_t operator()(std::pair<T, U> const& value) const {
std::size_t thash = std::hash<T>{}(value.first);
std::size_t uhash = std::hash<U>{}(value.second);
// See boost::hash_combine for this
return uhash ^ ( thash << 1 );
danzimm / crash.c
Created January 2, 2017 00:17
Jump to a random x86_64 interrupt
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void usage(const char* name) {
printf("Usage: %s [int code]\n", name);
void doInterrupt(uint8_t code) {
danzimm / msgSendGen.swift
Created February 16, 2017 22:53
Generate msgSend wrappers for swift, written in swift
#!/usr/bin/env swift
import Foundation
extension Int {
var tabs: String {
return Array(count: self, repeatedValue: " ").joinWithSeparator("")
danzimm /
Created April 17, 2017 05:30
Weechat cowsay plugin
import os
import subprocess
import weechat
rawCowfiles = subprocess.check_output("cowsay -l", shell=True)
cowfiles = [f for line in filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("Cow files in"), rawCowfiles.splitlines()) for f in line.split()]
ordCowfiles = "||".join(cowfiles)
weechat.prnt("", "Available cowfiles: " + str(cowfiles))