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Created October 8, 2012 13:35
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Tributary inlet
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This visualization was made at the Youth And Corruption Hackaton (and slightly after)
Organized by Transparency International and Kitchen Budapest, within the Random Hacks of Kindness
You can find out more at
All code is open source (and ugly :), Fork and have fun!
If you don't know where to start I would suggest you, watching some videos at
Special thanks to Enjalot the creator of this awesome coding enviroment (,
to Mike Bostock the creator of D3.js
to Eszter Bircsak for modelling.
Go on hit the hide button and look around!
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{question:'"Do you think corporations are typicaly working honestly?"', percent:[28,39,11,17,5],bg:""},
{question:'"Do you think the public health care system is typicaly working honestly?"', percent:[26,41,0,20,4],bg:""},
{question:'"Do you think local authorities are typicaly working honestly?"', percent:[25,34,10,26,5],bg:""},
{question:'"Do you think the police is typicaly working honestly?"', percent:[20,33,8,32,7],bg:""},
{question:'"Do you think public education is typicaly working honestly?"', percent:[12,23,9,48,8],bg:""}
var answers = ["Not at all!", "Typicaly No.", "I don't know.", "Mostly", "Absolutely!"];
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Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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