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Darin Wilson darinwilson

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darinwilson / art_crash_output
Created April 29, 2015 17:17
Output of ART crash when instantiating a RoundRect with RubyMotion Android
Start com.yourcompany.round_rect_crash/.MainActivity
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
I/com/yourcompany/round_rect_crash( 1607): creating RoundRect with Java
I/com/yourcompany/round_rect_crash( 1607): #<>
I/com/yourcompany/round_rect_crash( 1607): creating RoundRect with Ruby
E/art ( 1607): 0xb405ce80 SpaceTypeMallocSpace begin=0x12c00000,end=0x12e01000,limit=0x22c00000,size=2MB,capacity=96MB,non_growth_limit_capacity=256MB,name="main rosalloc space"]
E/art ( 1607): 0xb425ff60 allocspace main rosalloc space live-bitmap 3[begin=0x12c00000,end=0x22c00000]
E/art ( 1607): 0xb427f300 allocspace main rosalloc space mark-bitmap 3[begin=0x12c00000,end=0x22c00000]
E/art ( 1607): 0xb4050480 SpaceTypeImageSpace begin=0x6fec0000,end=0x70835000,size=9MB,name="/data/dalvik-cache/x86/"]
darinwilson / main_activity.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Trying to open an Android class in RubyMotion
# throws NameError: uninitialized constant `Android'
class Android::App::Activity
def say_hello
puts "hello!"
class MainActivity < Android::App::Activity
def onCreate(savedInstanceState)
darinwilson /
Last active March 21, 2020 22:07
Java extension to get a POST request working with Volley in RubyMotion for Android
* This assumes that you have a file called request.rb in the same directory, and that
* the file contains a subclass of Volley request object
* The code in this .java file gets added to the Java wrapper around our Ruby class at
* compile time. This contains a few shims to work around cases where RubyMotion is
* currently not generating correctly typed versions of these methods.
darinwilson / HashMapToHash.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
RubyMotion for Android utility that converts a java.util.HashMap instance to a Ruby hash
# Utility class that converts a java.util.HashMap instance to a Ruby Hash. RubyMotion will
# start supporting this out of the box at some point, but until then, this can be used
# as a workaround:
# Usage:
# HashMapToHash.convert(hashmap)
# This supports nested hashes and should assure that all Java-based values are properly converted
# to their Ruby counterparts (i.e. java.lang.String => String).
darinwilson / rm-android-hash.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
RubyMotion Android: can't convert java.util.HashMap to Ruby Hash
# Update: there's an issue open in RubyMotion for this, so hopefully it will get resolved soon.
# In the meantime, here's a workaround:
# if you create a Ruby Hash...
ruby_hash = { foo: "bar" }
# can call Ruby methods...
darinwilson /
Created November 16, 2014 04:29
Generate and open RDocs for any installed gem
# usage: gemdoc GEM_NAME
# eg: gemdoc rspec-mocks
gemdoc() {
gem rdoc $1 --rdoc
(cd `gem env gemdir`/doc/$1*; open rdoc/index.html)