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pksunkara / config
Last active July 16, 2024 06:57
Sample of git config file (Example .gitconfig) (Place them in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git)
name = Pavan Kumar Sunkara
email =
username = pksunkara
defaultBranch = master
editor = nvim
whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol
pager = delta
xeoncross / ajax.js
Last active August 3, 2023 06:06
Simple, cross-browser Javascript POST/GET xhr request object. Supports request data and proper AJAX headers.
* IE 5.5+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari XHR object
* @param string url
* @param object callback
* @param mixed data
* @param null x
function ajax(url, callback, data, x) {
try {
branneman /
Last active June 29, 2024 16:00
Better local require() paths for Node.js

Better local require() paths for Node.js


When the directory structure of your Node.js application (not library!) has some depth, you end up with a lot of annoying relative paths in your require calls like:

const Article = require('../../../../app/models/article');

Those suck for maintenance and they're ugly.

Possible solutions

Kartones /
Last active July 18, 2024 01:24
PostgreSQL command line cheatsheet


Magic words:

psql -U postgres

Some interesting flags (to see all, use -h or --help depending on your psql version):

  • -E: will describe the underlaying queries of the \ commands (cool for learning!)
  • -l: psql will list all databases and then exit (useful if the user you connect with doesn't has a default database, like at AWS RDS)
staltz /
Last active July 15, 2024 15:43
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
austinhyde /
Last active August 16, 2023 18:19
Vanilla JavaScript Data Binding


You don't really need a framework or fancy cutting-edge JavaScript features to do two-way data binding. Let's start basic - first and foremost, you need a way to tell when data changes. Traditionally, this is done via an Observer pattern, but a full-blown implementation of that is a little clunky for nice, lightweight JavaScript. So, if native getters/setters are out, the only mechanism we have are accessors:

var n = 5;
function getN() { return n; }
function setN(newN) { n = newN; }

console.log(getN()); // 5


sebmarkbage / Enhance.js
Last active January 31, 2024 18:33
Higher-order Components
import { Component } from "React";
export var Enhance = ComposedComponent => class extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { data: null };
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ data: 'Hello' });
render() {
yefim /
Last active April 7, 2023 16:11
Build a Docker image, push it to AWS EC2 Container Registry, then deploy it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Image": {
"Update": "true"
"Ports": [
"ContainerPort": "443"

This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.