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Darren Robinson darrenjrobinson

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darrenjrobinson / Get Time Series Prediction.ps1
Last active July 21, 2020 22:26
Get Prediction using H2O AI for an a Time Series Dataset using the H2OAI PowerShell Module. Associated Blogpost
# Linear Regression Model
$modelAlgorithm = 'glm'
# Time Series Data
$dataCSV = "C:\data\A2B-AX-3y.csv"
$sourceData = Import-Csv $dataCSV
# Last Record as Prediction data
$dataPredict = Import-Csv -Path $dataCSV | Select-Object -Last 1 | export-csv ./dataPredict.csv
darrenjrobinson / Get Iris Prediction.ps1
Last active July 21, 2020 22:25
Get Prediction using H2O AI for an Iris using the H2OAI PowerShell Module. Associated Blogpost
# Default H2O AI Server running locally via Start-H2O
$url = "http://localhost:54321/3/{0}"
# Neural net algorithm for determining Iris type
$modelAlgorithm = 'deeplearning'
# Get Iris Training data and put on the local filesystem
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get '' | out-file ./iris_wheader.csv
# Prediction Column
$predictValues = 'class'
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darrenjrobinson / B2B Member Invite
Last active August 26, 2020 09:45
Convert Azure Active Directory AAD User from Member to B2B Member. Associated blogpost
# Invite User Request
$inviteDetails = @{
"invitedUserEmailAddress" = $externalEmail.otherMails[0]
"invitedUser" = @{"id" = $ }
"sendInvitationMessage" = $true
"inviteRedirectUrl" = ""
"invitedUserMessageInfo" = @{
"messageLanguage" = "en-AU"
"customizedMessageBody" = "Hi $($updatedUser.displayName), Your user account '$($updatedUser.userPrincipalName)' in the Contoso Azure Tenant has been migrated to a Guest account federated to your Fabrikam '$($updatedUser.otherMails[0])' account. After selecting 'Get Started' below you will be able to access Contoso using your Fabrikam account and credentials. All you access and privilages remain intact. Regards, Contoso IT"
darrenjrobinson / Update otherMails AAD User attribute.ps1
Last active April 26, 2020 23:26
Update AzureAD User otherMails attribute to allow conversion from AAD Member to AAD B2B Member. Associated blogpost
Import-Module MSAL.PS -RequiredVersion
$tenantID = ""
$clientID = "yourRegistedAppID"
$clientSecret = (ConvertTo-SecureString "yourRegistedAppSecret" -AsPlainText -Force)
$accessToken = Get-MsalToken -clientID $clientID -clientSecret $clientSecret -tenantID $tenantID -ForceRefresh | Select-Object -Property AccessToken
$users = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($accessToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri '' `
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darrenjrobinson / Audit Azure AD Registered Applications.ps1
Last active February 22, 2020 23:11
Enumerate Azure AD Registered Apps for expiring credentials and sign-in activity. Associated blogpost
# Creds
$tenantID = 'yourAADTenantID'
$clientID = 'aadAppID'
$clientSecret = (ConvertTo-SecureString 'aadAppSecret' -AsPlainText -Force)
$accessToken = Get-MsalToken -clientID $clientID -clientSecret $clientSecret -tenantID $tenantID | Select-Object -Property AccessToken
# MS Graph Apps URI
$aadAppsURI = ''
# Get Expiring Creds in x Days
$expiryCheck = 60
$TenantId = 'yourAzureTenantID'
$loggingClientID = 'AzureADLoggingAppClientID'
$loggingSecret = 'AzureADLoggingAppClientSecret'
$logAnalyticsWorkspace = 'yourLogAnalyticsWorkspaceID'
$customLogName = "ourAppCustomLogs_CL"
# Get Access Token for Log Analytics to allow KQL Queries to get last ingested events in Custom Logs
$loginURL = "$TenantId/oauth2/token"
$resource = ""
$authbody = @{grant_type = "client_credentials"; resource = $resource; client_id = $loggingClientID; client_secret = $loggingSecret }
import-module UniversalDashboard.Community
import-Module UniversalDashboard.UDFinancialChart
Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard
$Theme = New-UDTheme -Name "darrenjrobinson" -Definition @{
'.dropdown-content' = @{
'min-width' = '450px'
'.btn-floating' = @{
# Document IdentityNow Email Templates Configuration
import-module SailPointIdentityNow
Set-IdentityNowOrg -orgName 'yourOrgName'
$orgName = (Get-IdentityNowOrg).'Organisation Name'
$utime = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date -UFormat %s))
# Get All Notification Templates
$getEmailTemplate = Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -uri "https://$($orgName)$($utime)&filter=%7Bproperty%3A%20%22name%22%2C%20operation%3A%20%22EQ%22%2C%20value%3A%22Pending%20Access%20Request%20Cancelled%22%7D" -method get -headers Headersv3_JSON