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In [1]: from lxml import etree
datahutrepo / etree2
Last active September 7, 2016 06:31
In [2]: root = etree.Element('html')
In [3]: root
Out[3]: <Element html at 0x7f43a5c51ab8>
In [4]: print root.tag
In [5]: etree.SubElement(root, 'head')
Out[5]: <Element head at 0x7f43a5c51e60>
In [6]: etree.SubElement(root, 'body')
Out[6]: <Element body at 0x7f43a5c51f38>
In [7]: print etree.tostring(root)
In [8]: root = etree.Element('html')
In [9]: head = etree.SubElement(root, 'head')
In [10]: body = etree.SubElement(root, 'body')
In [11]: title = etree.SubElement(head, 'title')
In [12]: title.text = 'lxml Example'
In [13]: h2 = etree.SubElement(body, 'h2')
In [14]: h2.text = 'Learning to lxml, a XML toolkit library in python'
In [15]: print etree.tos
etree.tostring etree.tostringlist
In [19]: import requests
In [20]: from lxml import html
In [21]: page = requests.get('')
In [22]: html_content = html.fromstring(page.content)
In [23]: for i in html_content.iterchildren():
....: print i
<Element head at 0x7f43a5737db8>
<Element body at 0x7f43a5737e10>
In [24]: news_stories = html_content.xpath('//h3[@data-analytics]/a/span/text()')
In [25]: news_links = html_content.xpath('//h3[@data-analytics]/a/@href')
In [28]: top_stories = []
In [29]: for i in zip(news_stories, news_links):
....: top_stories.append(i)
In [30]: top_stories
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Define here the models for your scraped items
# See documentation in:
import scrapy
class AmazonItem(scrapy.Item):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from amazon.items import AmazonItem
class AmazonProductSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "AmazonDeals"
allowed_domains = [""]
#Use working product URL below
start_urls = [