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Forked from LukeL99/daedalus-cointracking.ipynb
Last active September 7, 2021 05:48
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"# Daedalus to Cointracking script v1.0\n",
"# Author: Luke Libraro -\n",
"# \n",
"# Will import a CSV file from Daedalus and convert it to a csv file (output.csv)\n",
"# compatible with\n",
"# Notes: Tested against US currency and date formats only\n",
"# Tested with on Windows newlines\n",
"# Does not handle staking rewards because those aren't included in Daedalus CSV\n",
"# Get staking reward CSV from\n",
"# ipywidgets Version 7.6.3\n",
"import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import io\n",
"exchange_name = 'Daedalus'\n",
"trade_group = ''\n",
"comment = 'Daedalus import script'\n",
"from IPython.display import display\n",
"def convert_df(daedalus_df):\n",
" tx_list = []\n",
" for index, row in daedalus_df.iterrows():\n",
" if(row['Type'] == 'Received'):\n",
" tx_list.append({'Type': 'Deposit', 'Buy Amount': row['TOTAL (ADA)'].replace(',', ''),\n",
" 'Buy Currency': 'ADA', 'Sell Amount': '',\n",
" 'Sell Currency': '', 'Fee': '', 'Fee Currency': '',\n",
" 'Exchange' : exchange_name, 'Trade-Group': trade_group,\n",
" 'Comment': comment, 'Date': row['Date & time'],\n",
" 'Tx-ID': row['ID']})\n",
" else:\n",
" tx_list.append({'Type': 'Withdrawal', 'Buy Amount': '',\n",
" 'Buy Currency': '', 'Sell Amount': row['Sent amount (ADA)'].replace(',', ''),\n",
" 'Sell Currency': 'ADA', 'Fee': row['Fee (ADA)'],\n",
" 'Fee Currency': 'ADA', 'Exchange' : exchange_name,\n",
" 'Trade-Group': trade_group, 'Comment': comment, \n",
" 'Date': row['Date & time'],\n",
" 'Tx-ID': row['ID']})\n",
" ct_df = pd.DataFrame(tx_list)\n",
" display(ct_df)\n",
" return ct_df\n",
"def handle_upload(file):\n",
" output = io.StringIO(initial_value=file['new'][0].decode())\n",
" df = pd.read_csv(output)\n",
" df_out = convert_df(df)\n",
" # Cointracking doesn't handle trailing newline well, strip last newline from \n",
" # CSV and write to file\n",
" csv_string = df_out.to_csv(index = False)\n",
" with open('output.csv', 'w') as file:\n",
" file.write(csv_string.rstrip())\n",
"uploader = widgets.FileUpload(accept='.csv', multiple=False)\n",
"uploader.observe(handle_upload, names='data')\n",
"from google.colab import files\n",
"from IPython.display import FileLink\n",
"execution_count": 1,
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