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#!/bin/bash -eu
RUBY_VERSIONS=(2.1.2 2.1.6 2.2.2)
function print() {
local green='\033[0;32m'
local none='\033[0m'
echo -e "[${green}$1${none}] $2"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am davewalter on github.
  • I am webdave ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F6B0 15BD 727F 8019 00F3 2A2C 51BF 2BBB 23EE 810A

To claim this, I am signing this object:

davewalter / bosh-task-21956
Created September 12, 2018 22:22
BOSH tasks output for failed auctioneer start
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:43.650879 #32] [0x2ab0be082908] INFO -- TaskHelper: Director Version: 267.5.0
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:43.650930 #32] [0x2ab0be082908] INFO -- TaskHelper: Enqueuing task: 21956
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.548038 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Looking for task with task id 21956
D, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.656523 #18418] [] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000273s) (conn: 46952698838700) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE "id" = 21956
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.657858 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Found task #<Bosh::Director::Models::Task @values={:id=>21956, :state=>"processing", :timestamp=>2018-09-11 23:10:43 UTC, :description=>"create deployment", :result=>nil, :output=>"/var/vcap/store/director/tasks/21956", :checkpoint_time=>2018-09-11 23:10:45 UTC, :type=>"update_deployment", :username=>"admin", :deployment_name=>"cf", :started_at=>nil, :event_output=>"", :result_output=>"", :context_id=>""}>
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.657932 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Running from worker 'worke
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:43.650879 #32] [0x2ab0be082908] INFO -- TaskHelper: Director Version: 267.5.0
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:43.650930 #32] [0x2ab0be082908] INFO -- TaskHelper: Enqueuing task: 21956
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.548038 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Looking for task with task id 21956
D, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.656523 #18418] [] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000273s) (conn: 46952698838700) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE "id" = 21956
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.657858 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Found task #<Bosh::Director::Models::Task @values={:id=>21956, :state=>"processing", :timestamp=>2018-09-11 23:10:43 UTC, :description=>"create deployment", :result=>nil, :output=>"/var/vcap/store/director/tasks/21956", :checkpoint_time=>2018-09-11 23:10:45 UTC, :type=>"update_deployment", :username=>"admin", :deployment_name=>"cf", :started_at=>nil, :event_output=>"", :result_output=>"", :context_id=>""}>
I, [2018-09-11T23:10:45.657932 #18418] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Running from worker 'worke
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
I, [2018-09-12T00:30:33.434412 #15] [0x3f8b78574728] INFO -- TaskHelper: Director Version: 267.5.0
I, [2018-09-12T00:30:33.434463 #15] [0x3f8b78574728] INFO -- TaskHelper: Enqueuing task: 21966
I, [2018-09-12T00:30:36.124276 #27735] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Looking for task with task id 21966
D, [2018-09-12T00:30:36.125302 #27735] [] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000263s) (conn: 46952693913000) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE "id" = 21966
I, [2018-09-12T00:30:36.126485 #27735] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Found task #<Bosh::Director::Models::Task @values={:id=>21966, :state=>"processing", :timestamp=>2018-09-12 00:30:33 UTC, :description=>"create deployment", :result=>nil, :output=>"/var/vcap/store/director/tasks/21966", :checkpoint_time=>2018-09-12 00:30:35 UTC, :type=>"update_deployment", :username=>"admin", :deployment_name=>"cf", :started_at=>nil, :event_output=>"", :result_output=>"", :context_id=>""}>
I, [2018-09-12T00:30:36.126557 #27735] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Running from worker 'worke
davewalter / capi-api-server container 1 logs
Last active April 3, 2020 06:40
capi-kpack-watcher 404 issue
$ clear;kubectl logs capi-api-server-cfc65b7b-j8twj -n cf-system --all-containers | grep -A3 2bbf343e-fe19-4441-87d1-a6ba86bb983b
{"timestamp":1585880637.0035875,"message":"build created: 2bbf343e-fe19-4441-87d1-a6ba86bb983b","log_level":"info","source":"cc.action.build_create","data":{"request_guid":"47b652e8-bc80-4c5f-8cb4-c4ab927e047f::425ac71c-5f3f-455c-b39f-3f40c3ff45ff"},"thread_id":46951547735880,"fiber_id":46951544852660,"process_id":1,"file":"/cloud_controller_ng/app/actions/build_create.rb","lineno":75,"method":"create_and_stage"}
{"timestamp":1585880637.0043747,"message":"staging package: #<VCAP::CloudController::PackageModel @values={:id=>2, :guid=>\"adc87ed8-0193-4b0d-9879-0a19fd79b7d4\", :created_at=>2020-04-03 02:23:53 UTC, :updated_at=>2020-04-03 02:23:55 UTC, :type=>\"bits\", :package_hash=>\"c083c0c03315db844e531ddd1b472973f75f2a86\", :state=>\"READY\", :error=>nil, :app_guid=>\"6a4f9637-87ac-4ccd-bed6-a9b9171062ea\", :docker_image=>nil, :sha256_checksum=>\"a1144464f8cd91dace48c7782d007420e3
davewalter / cf-summit-na-2020-lab-clusters-ci-template.yml
Created June 24, 2020 07:09
CI Pipeline for the CF Summit NA 2020 CF-for-K8s Lab Cluster Management
- name: all
- create-all
#@ for i in range(1,81):
- #@ "create-cluster-{}".format(i)
#@ end
- destroy-all
#@ for i in range(1,81):