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update to make it compatible with isotope 2.0
Isotope binding for Knockout 3+
(c) Michael Best
Adapted by David Desmaisons to make it compatible with isotope 2.0
License: MIT (
"use strict";
ko.bindingHandlers.isotope = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// This function is run as a computed observable and gets the binding value, saving the data
// value as an observableArray. If an observableArray is given and there are no other
// dependencies, just use that observable. Otherwise, update our own observableArray with
// the latest value.
function setDataObservableAndOptions() {
var value = valueAccessor();
if (value && && !('length' in value)) {
if (value.isotopeOptions) {
if (typeof (value.isotopeOptions) == 'function')
ko.utils.extend(isotopeOptions, value.isotopeOptions());
ko.utils.extend(isotopeOptions, value.isotopeOptions);
value =;
// If there are any dependencies, those dependencies might later change the observableArray object
// itself. So play it safe and only use the given observableArray if there are no dependencies.
if (!dataComputed.getDependenciesCount() && ko.isObservable(value) && 'push' in value) {
dataObservable = value;
} else {
// Create a copy of the template element, add it to the container, and bind it to the data item.
function createAndAddItemElement(item) {
var itemElement = $template.clone()[0];
var itemContext = bindingContext.createChildContext(item);
ko.applyBindings(itemContext, itemElement);
return itemElement;
function createAndAddItemElements(items) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var elementnodes =[];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var elementnode = $template.clone()[0];
var itemContext = bindingContext.createChildContext(items[i]);
ko.applyBindings(itemContext, elementnode);
var newnodes = element.appendChild(fragment);
return elementnodes;
// Called after all elements are added to itemElements, this will update their index values
// so that they're ordered properly by Isotope.
function updateIndexes() {
var i, itemElement;
for (i = 0; itemElement = itemElements[i]; ++i) {
itemElement._ko_isotope_index = i;
// Whenver the observableArray changes, respond by updating the container and Isotope
function respondToArrayChanges(changeList) {
var i, change, itemElement,
elemsToRemove = [], elemsToMove = [], elemsToAdd = [];
// Deletions
for (i = changeList.length-1; change = changeList[i]; --i) {
if (change.status === 'deleted') {
itemElement = itemElements.splice(change.index, 1)[0];
if (change.moved == undefined) {
} else {
elemsToMove[change.index] = itemElement;
// Additions
for (i = 0; change = changeList[i]; ++i) {
if (change.status === 'added') {
if (change.moved == undefined) {
elemsToAdd.push(itemElement = createAndAddItemElement(change.value));
} else {
itemElement = elemsToMove[change.moved];
itemElements.splice(change.index, 0, itemElement);
// Update Isotope
if (elemsToRemove.length) {
//$container.isotope('remove', $(elemsToRemove));
if (elemsToAdd.length || elemsToMove.length) {
// When items are added or reorderd, Isotope needs to know the new indexes.
if (elemsToAdd.length)
//$container.isotope('insert', $(elemsToAdd));
if (elemsToMove.length){
//$container.isotope(); // When items are just reordered, this tells Isotope to sort and refresh.
var $container = $(element), $children = $container.children();
if ($children.length !== 1) {
throw Error("Isotope binding requires a single element as a template");
var isotopeOptions = {
itemSelector : '*',
filter: '*',
sortBy: 'index',
getSortData: { index: function (elem) { return elem._ko_isotope_index; } }
$template = $($children[0]),
dataObservable = ko.observableArray(),
dataComputed = ko.computed(setDataObservableAndOptions, null, {deferEvaluation:true, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved:element}),
// Access computed observable to initialize it
// Initialize with data from the array.
//itemElements = ko.utils.arrayMap(dataObservable(), createAndAddItemElement);
itemElements = createAndAddItemElements(dataObservable());
iso = new Isotope(element, isotopeOptions);
// Set up a subscription to respond to changes in the array.
subscription = dataObservable.subscribe(respondToArrayChanges, null, 'arrayChange');
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, subscription.dispose.bind(subscription));
return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };
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