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David Foster davidADSP

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# The score for a node is based on its value, plus an exploration bonus based on
# the prior.
def ucb_score(config: MuZeroConfig, parent: Node, child: Node,
min_max_stats: MinMaxStats) -> float:
pb_c = math.log((parent.visit_count + config.pb_c_base + 1) /
config.pb_c_base) + config.pb_c_init
pb_c *= math.sqrt(parent.visit_count) / (child.visit_count + 1)
prior_score = pb_c * child.prior
value_score = min_max_stats.normalize(child.value())
# Select the child with the highest UCB score.
def select_child(config: MuZeroConfig, node: Node,
min_max_stats: MinMaxStats):
_, action, child = max(
(ucb_score(config, node, child, min_max_stats), action,
child) for action, child in node.children.items())
return action, child
# Core Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm.
# To decide on an action, we run N simulations, always starting at the root of
# the search tree and traversing the tree according to the UCB formula until we
# reach a leaf node.
def run_mcts(config: MuZeroConfig, root: Node, action_history: ActionHistory,
network: Network):
min_max_stats = MinMaxStats(config.known_bounds)
for _ in range(config.num_simulations):
history = action_history.clone()
# At the start of each search, we add dirichlet noise to the prior of the root
# to encourage the search to explore new actions.
def add_exploration_noise(config: MuZeroConfig, node: Node):
actions = list(node.children.keys())
noise = numpy.random.dirichlet([config.root_dirichlet_alpha] * len(actions))
frac = config.root_exploration_fraction
for a, n in zip(actions, noise):
node.children[a].prior = node.children[a].prior * (1 - frac) + n * frac
# We expand a node using the value, reward and policy prediction obtained from
# the neural network.
def expand_node(node: Node, to_play: Player, actions: List[Action],
network_output: NetworkOutput):
node.to_play = to_play
node.hidden_state = network_output.hidden_state
node.reward = network_output.reward
policy = {a: math.exp(network_output.policy_logits[a]) for a in actions}
policy_sum = sum(policy.values())
for action, p in policy.items():
class NetworkOutput(typing.NamedTuple):
value: float
reward: float
policy_logits: Dict[Action, float]
hidden_state: List[float]
class Network(object):
def initial_inference(self, image) -> NetworkOutput:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, prior: float):
self.visit_count = 0
self.to_play = -1
self.prior = prior
self.value_sum = 0
self.children = {}
self.hidden_state = None
self.reward = 0
# Each game is produced by starting at the initial board position, then
# repeatedly executing a Monte Carlo Tree Search to generate moves until the end
# of the game is reached.
def play_game(config: MuZeroConfig, network: Network) -> Game:
game = config.new_game()
while not game.terminal() and len(game.history) < config.max_moves:
# At the root of the search tree we use the representation function to
# obtain a hidden state given the current observation.
root = Node(0)
def train_network(config: MuZeroConfig, storage: SharedStorage,
replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer):
network = Network()
learning_rate = config.lr_init * config.lr_decay_rate**(
tf.train.get_global_step() / config.lr_decay_steps)
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, config.momentum)
for i in range(config.training_steps):
if i % config.checkpoint_interval == 0:
storage.save_network(i, network)
# Each self-play job is independent of all others; it takes the latest network
# snapshot, produces a game and makes it available to the training job by
# writing it to a shared replay buffer.
def run_selfplay(config: MuZeroConfig, storage: SharedStorage,
replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer):
while True:
network = storage.latest_network()
game = play_game(config, network)