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David Rhoden davidrhoden

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davidrhoden / gist:902e03b8a063c71a801b6defb33e5995
Created January 22, 2024 05:24
output from ddev debug test in root folder of a Craft CMS project
➜ edison-craft git:(master) ✗ ddev debug test
Running bash [-c /var/folders/4c/wf86ltln5lxfm0g1bvp6w67c0000gq/T/]
======= Existing project config =========
These config files were loaded for project edison-craft: [/Users/davidrhoden/Sites/edison-craft/.ddev/config.yaml]
name: edison-craft
type: craftcms
php_version: 8.1
webserver_type: nginx-fpm
webimage: ddev/ddev-webserver:v1.22.6
davidrhoden / # mysql - 2021-12-06_13-22-37.txt
Created December 7, 2021 21:56
mysql on macOS 12.0 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for mysql on macOS 12.0
Build date: 2021-12-06 13:22:37
davidrhoden /
Created September 2, 2020 16:25
keybase proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am davidrhoden on github.
  • I am davidrhoden ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBmBPnHsUYz9PUs1Zs5Sn20RvbdYYrheUdX5DrjoX2VjAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

var anmshows = [{
city: "St. Petersburg",
radius: 10,
date: "08/28/2004",
lon: 82.62,
lat: 27.75,
venue: "The Emerald"
}, {
city: "New Orleans",
radius: 10,
davidrhoden / gist:4113f9eca0204efea3cf
Created April 20, 2015 04:25
first attempt at editing a vagrant config file
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
vagrant box add hashicorp/precise32
where the partial is called:
<ul class="user_avatars">
<%= render :partial => 'users/user_avatar', collection: @users %>
<%= render @users %>
table tbody tr td
padding: 0 20px 20px 0
color: $darkgreen
font-family: $sans
font-size: 18px
font-weight: bold
var render = function (data) {
var portfolio = '<% _.each(data, function(project,index) { %><div id="<%= project.iimage %>" class="anImage <%= (index)== 0 ? "active visible" : "hidden" %>"><a class="lightbox" href="/images/lightboxed/<%= project.iimage %>"> <img src="/images/<%= project.iimage %>" width="844"></a><div class="explanatory_copy"><div class="project_name"><%= project.pproject_name %></div><div class="project_subtitle"><%= project.pproject_subtitle %></div><div class="description"><p><%= project.pproject_desc %></p></div><div class="link_to_more"><a href="<%= project.iproject %>" rel="address:/<%= project.iproject %>"><%= project.ilink_to_more_copy %></a></div><div class="description_more"><p><%= project.iimagedesc %></p></div></div></div> <% }); %>';
var p_id = 4; //this will be a changing value when the filter works
var selectedProject = _.filter(data, function(p_id){ return data.iproject === p_id } );
console.log(p_id, data, 'selectedProject:', selectedProject); // returns p
davidrhoden / gist:4080006
Created November 15, 2012 17:39
why doesn't the code in $.each run?
var width = 740;
$.each($('.overview img'), function(i, img) {
width += $(img).width();
console.log($('.overview img'), width);
davidrhoden / gist:3866619
Created October 10, 2012 16:12
sample JSON
[{"iimage":"GHI_Mothers2.jpg","iproject":"5","ilink_to_more_copy":"","iimage_name":"","iimage_desc":"GHI Physicians are the types of professionals that can do anything and go anywhere they choose in life. The Mothers Campaign captures the emotion during those once-in-a-lifetime events when their children make them prouder than they ever could have ever imagined. In this campaign, those momentous occasions happen to correspond directly with the choice they make to become part of the GHI Health Insurance Network. In 2007, GHI merged with HIP to form EmblemHealth. \r\n","pproject_name":"Mothers Campaign","pproject_subtitle":"","pproject_webname":"ghi","pproject_desc":"GHI Physicians are the types of professionals that can do anything and go anywhere they choose in life. The Mothers Campaign captures the emotion during those once-in-a-lifetime events when their children make them prouder than they ever could have ever imagined. In this campaign, those momentous occasions happen to correspond directly with the cho