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Get date as Monday of current week.. just change the "0" in the last param to whichever day you need
i.e. SELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()), 2) would return date as Wednesday of current week
Handy to do date between or greater than checks
Using a CTE, we can iterate through to get the previous row in order to calculate and keep
a running total
WITH PrevRow
AS (SELECT Acolumn,
HoldingColumn = Bcolumn,
RunningTotal = HoldingColumn
FROM Atable
davidsheardown / HeaderAndLinesCountCompare.sql
Created May 4, 2020 06:21
Compare Row Count of Lines to Batch Header Count
Quick query to compare a count total at header level to line count of successful rows i.e. 1 -> Many integrity check
to ensure the correct row count of lines matches header
davidsheardown / ms-sql-calendar-working-days.sql
Created March 9, 2020 09:09
MS-SQL Work out next working day accounting for weekends and public holidays
This was from another source, probably good old Stackoverflow! but capturing here for quick reference
This script will create a calendar table, generate a stored proc to populate it working out weekends and also if you provide
a set of holiday dates, it will add those too.
The end result is a couple of select statements that allows you to pass a date (todays date as default), then add/subtract
number of days to calculate the next working date based on the above weekends and/or holidays
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Calendar](
davidsheardown / SQLblobToFile.sql
Created February 26, 2020 09:01
SQL blob/varbinary to file
To directly add a file to blob
(this example was a 120mb file)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[TableWithBlob](Id, ProductId, Filename, [ActualFile])
SELECT 1,1,'filename',BulkColumn
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'c:\clients\test.exe', SINGLE_BLOB) as AnyAliasFieldYouLike
davidsheardown / SAP HANA Cross Server Join.sql
Created December 2, 2019 09:50
Ability to use OPENQUERY to cross-server join from MS SQL to HANA
SELECT TOP (1)TX.[LIN_ItemNumber_PRI_02] as 'AmazonCode', TX.[SAP_ItemNumber] as 'ItemCode',
TY.CardCode AS 'CardCode'
inner join OPENQUERY ("hana-b1",'SELECT T0."AddID", T0."CardCode" from "A-SAP-HANA-DB"."OCRD" T0') TY on TX.RFF_ReferenceNumber = TY.AddID
davidsheardown / DynamicSQL_XML.sql
Created October 14, 2019 16:24
Dynamic XML data into columns with MS-SQL
select dense_rank() over(order by ID, I.N) as ID,
F.N.value('(Text/text())[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Name,
F.N.value('(Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Value
into #T
from YourTable as T
cross apply T.XMLCol.nodes('/Items/Item') as I(N)
cross apply I.N.nodes('FormItem') as F(N)
declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
declare @Col nvarchar(max)
davidsheardown / mssql_trycatch_upsert.sql
Created August 13, 2019 16:15
MS SQL Stored Procedure with TRY CATCH and UPSERT
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_application_upsert]
@Id int = null,
@Name nvarchar(255) = null,
@Description nvarchar(255) = null,
@OperationalStatusCode nvarchar(255) = null,
@OperationalStatusDesc nvarchar(255) = null,
davidsheardown / returnTopOccurrences.js
Created December 5, 2018 06:42
Javascript (Underscore Lib) Find top occurrences within a JSON array
// If we have a JSON object as such..
var data = [
{id:0, name: Name1, type: Error},
{id:1, name: Name2, type: Error},
{id:2, name: Name1, type: Error},
{id:3, name: Name1, type: Error},
{id:4, name: Name3, type: Error}
// Using underscore, we can get the top occurrences, in this case the top 5 (slice)
davidsheardown / JSescape.js
Created November 7, 2018 06:36
Javascript escaping escape characters!
// I had a recent issue where I needed to escape carriage returns within a JSON object, or correctly, the JSON string itself.
// You can of course use the JSON stringify function to get a string representation and then you need to do the following
// to escape the "\n" carriage return sequence..
var stringifiedJSON = JSON.stringify(jsonData).replace(/\\n/g, "\\\\n");
// The above will globally (within the string) replace all \n with \\n which allows JS to store the carriage return.