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David Snyder davidsnyder

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davidsnyder / gist:1013238
Created June 7, 2011 21:39
Icss serialization bug
require 'yaml'
require 'json'
require 'icss'
require 'icss/brevity'
yaml_file ="config.yaml")
#load a YAML ICSS
yaml_icss = Icss::Protocol.receive YAML.load(yaml_file)
davidsnyder / irb_dump.rb
Created June 16, 2011 15:50
=> #<Icss::RecordField:0x7f7189e34458 @type=#<Icss::PrimitiveType:0x7f7189fbca28 @name=:string, @mysql_name="VARCHAR", @ruby_klass=String, @pig_name="chararray">, @doc="Word type headword - see pp.4-5", @name="head_word", @is_reference=true>
irb(main):007:0> f.length
=> 3
irb(main):008:0> f.class
=> Icss::RecordField
irb(main):009:0> f.keys
=> [:name, :doc, :type]
davidsnyder / README.textile
Created December 13, 2011 19:08
OpenMenu API Wrapper

OpenMenu API Wrapper

Check the documentation here

require 'open_menu'

apikey = '1219-ab23-139b-de3-c23'
client =

menu_uuid = '12db-12b3-23bde-23bef'
davidsnyder / README.textile
Created December 17, 2011 20:18
Factual V3 API Wrapper
davidsnyder / README.textile
Created December 21, 2011 20:54
Swineherd test


fips = LOAD '<%= in_path %>' AS (fips_id:int,state_name:chararray);
DUMP fips;

Ruby irb interpreter:

require 'swineherd'
script ='foo.pig.erb',{"in_path" => "fips_to_state.tsv"}) => :local,:combine_splits => false,:map_tasks => 10,:param => {:foo => "bar"}) 
--> ENV['PIG_OPTS'] = ' -Dpig.splitCombination=false'

-- 1,2000,Dinosaur Planet,3.74
-- 2,2000,Isle of Man TT 2004 Review,3.53
-- 3,1990,Character,3.64
-- 4,1990,Paula Abdul's Get Up & Dance,2.72
movie_decades = LOAD '$DECADE_TITLES' USING PigStorage(',') AS (movie_id:chararray,decade:int,title:chararray,avg_rating:float);
snipped_decades = FOREACH movie_decades GENERATE movie_id,decade;
-- 9983,462930,3
-- 9983,1149472,4
-- 9983,238407,4
davidsnyder / jaccard_sim.pig
Created May 17, 2012 17:28
Jaccard Similarity Score for the Netflix graph
edges = LOAD '$GRAPH' AS (user_id:chararray,movie_id:chararray);
edges_dup = LOAD '$GRAPH' AS (user_id:chararray,movie_id:chararray); -- hack for self-join
-- (user_id,|A|)
grouped_edges = GROUP edges by user_id; --reduce
outgoing_links = FOREACH grouped_edges GENERATE --map
group AS user_id,
COUNT(edges) AS user_out;
-- (movie_id,user_a_id,movie_id,user_b_id)
davidsnyder / gist:7668060
Last active May 2, 2016 14:16
Kafka Troubleshooting
You can use the consumer script to verify that data is being received by the http listener (http_producer) on port 80 of the Kafka broker node.
sudo /usr/local/share/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper [zk-private-ip]:2181 --topic [topic] --from-beginning
If you curl records at the kafka http listener, you should see them come out at the kafka broker node:
(On the Kafka listener node)
curl -XGET localhost:80 -d '{"name":"Bill","position":"Sales"}'
davidsnyder / gist:7668243
Created November 26, 2013 23:35
Error on Nimbus UI
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.infochimps.storm.trident.ElasticsearchStateFactory.makeState(Ljava/util/Map;Lbacktype/
Tue, 26 at storm.trident.planner.SubtopologyBolt.prepare(
Nov 2013 at storm.trident.topology.TridentBoltExecutor.prepare(
23:34:46 at backtype.storm.daemon.executor$fn__3557$fn__3569.invoke(executor.clj:659)
+0000 at backtype.storm.util$async_loop$fn__436.invoke(util.clj:375)
| Name | Chef? | State | Flavor | AZ | Env | relevant? |
| p1_davidcontrol-dashpot-0 | no | not running | m1.large | us-east-1d | development | - |
| p1_davidcontrol-nfs-0 | no | not running | c1.medium | us-east-1d | development | - |
| p1_davidcontrol-mongo-0 | no | not running | m1.large | us-east-1d | development | - |
| p1_davidcontrol-zabbix-0 | no | not running | m1.large | us-east-1d | development | - |
| p1_davidcontrol-vcd-0 | no | not running | c1.xlarge | us-east-1d | development | - |
| p1_davidcontrol-backup-0 | no | not running | m1.small | us-east-1d | development | - |