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David Waterston davidwaterston

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davidwaterston / gist:3741571
Created September 18, 2012 06:30
MySQL: Check if a table exists - version 2
show tables like '__table_name__'
davidwaterston / gist:3741564
Created September 18, 2012 06:27
MySQL: Check if a column exists in a table
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = '__database_name__'
and table_name = '__table_name__'
and column_name = '__column_name__'
davidwaterston / gist:3741543
Created September 18, 2012 06:21
MySQL: Check if a table exists - version 1
select table_name as found
from information_schema.tables
where table_schema = '__database_name__'
and table_name = '__table_name__'
davidwaterston / Geolocating IP Addresses for free using and ColdFusion
Created July 8, 2012 00:05
A ColdFusion function to grab geolocation details for an IP address using the free service.
<cfcomponent name="geoPlugin" output="no">
<cffunction name="ipLocation" access="remote" returntype="struct" displayname="ipLocation" output="no">
This function takes an IP address and passes it to, a free GeoLocation service that
returns info about where that IP address is located i.e. city, country, etc. The returned data from geoPlugin
is cleaned up and returned as a ColdFusion structure.
Where the IP address is not passed in then will use the IP of the calling page. The IP used is
always returned in the 'geoplugin.request' variable.
davidwaterston / Javascript now() function
Created June 24, 2012 09:00
A cross-browser Javascript shim function to return the number of milliseconds elapsed since either the browser navigationStart event (using or browser equivalent) or the UNIX epoch, depending on availability.
var now = (function() {
// Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since either the browser navigationStart event or
// the UNIX epoch, depending on availability.
// Where the browser supports 'performance' we use that as it is more accurate (microsoeconds
// will be returned in the fractional part) and more reliable as it does not rely on the system time.
// Where 'performance' is not available, we will fall back to Date().getTime().
// jsFiddle: