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dbb / vi-mode.zsh
Created October 15, 2012 15:27
example vi mode setup for zsh.
### vi-mode.zsh - example vi mode setup for zsh.
### Zsh's line editor has two built-in editing models. One is modeled
### after the `emacs' editor's input system, the other is modeled after
### the `vi' editor's modal input mode.
### To use the latter, it is helpful to track the current input mode
### and update the prompt dynamically to reflect the current mode at
### all times.
dbb / fancy_urxvt
Created January 18, 2011 23:07
urxvt with transparency, blur, Xft font, etc
urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed,matcher,searchable-scrollback
urxvt*cutchars: "()*,<>[]{}|'
urxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode
urxvt*urlLauncher: iceweasel
urxvt*matcher.button: 1
urxvt*keysym.S-Prior: ^[[5;2~
urxvt*keysym.S-Next: ^[[6;2~
urxvt*geometry: 100x30
urxvt*highlightSelection: true
dbb /
Created April 19, 2012 00:07
Create a new Github repository from the command line using cURL
curl -F login=$( git config github.user ) -F token=$( git config github.token ) -F name=$1
dbb / .zshrc
Created May 27, 2012 17:18
zsh prompt
# dbbolton's zshrc
## snip all lines not directly related to the prompt
# host symbols
# if [ $TERM == 'rxvt-unicode' ]; then
if [ $HOST == 'ganymed' ]; then
elif [ $HOST == 'reddevil' ]; then
dbb / git.zsh
Created May 27, 2012 18:57
Some GH utilities (zsh)
### github stuff ###
## empty_gh [NAME_OF_REPO]
## Use this when creating a new repo from scratch.
empty_gh() { # [NAME_OF_REPO]
ghuser=$( git config github.user )
curl -F login=${ghuser} -F token=$( git config github.token ) \
dbb / blops3console.log
Created April 5, 2017 22:47
Black Ops 3 Zombies crash console dump 20170405
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies_blue".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_bonfire".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_deathmachine".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_zomblood_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_instakill_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_doublepoints_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_giant_deathmachine".
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
15012:Aug 6 14:25:24 tyr dbus-daemon[2582]: Unknown username "Debian-gdm" in message bus configuration file
15018:Aug 6 14:25:26 tyr systemd[1]: gdm.service: Unit cannot be reloaded because it is inactive.
15118:Aug 6 14:27:53 tyr systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of Debian-gdm.
15120:Aug 6 14:27:53 tyr systemd[1]: Started Session c5 of user Debian-gdm.
15131:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr gdm3: GdmDisplay: display lasted 1.264802 seconds
15132:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr gdm3: Child process -27089 was already dead.
15133:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr gdm3: Child process 27080 was already dead.
15134:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr gdm3: Unable to kill session worker process
15145:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of Debian-gdm.
15146:Aug 6 14:27:54 tyr systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of Debian-gdm.