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this video was created earlier in january from a stupid idea and was driven by sheer determination
despite lacking programming skill. here's a decent description of how it was made (because i am
too lazy to write a github readme):
1. the video
i downloaded the pv off youtube and used ffmpeg to resize it down to 70x54 dimensions (for easy
math calculations, i used 27 firefox windows, 7 tabs each, so it divided nicely). i then used
ffmpeg (again) to splice the source video into 15-second segments to reduce desyncing and cpu load.
2. the frames
franga2000 / Ubuntu on Acer Aspire Switch
Last active January 31, 2024 21:40
Ubuntu on Acer Aspire Switch 10

Ubuntu on Acer Aspire Switch

The problem

What's the problem with this tablet? Why can't I just insert the USB and mash F12 until it boots? The tablet is made to run Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 only. Some absolute genius at Acer decided to put a 32-bit UEFI on a 64-bit system, which no reasonable Linux distro supports out-of-the-box.

NOTE: This guide focuses on installing Ubuntu alongside Windows. If you're trying to replace Windows, then I assume you know enough about Linux to know which parts to change.

What works:

  • Keyboard