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Total Elapsed Time = 8.131346 Seconds
User+System Time = 7.401346 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name
49.8 3.689 3.689 114036 0.0000 0.0000 Bit::Vector::Resize
11.8 0.880 0.905 236667 0.0000 0.0000 Set::IntRange::Interval_Fill
8.34 0.617 0.745 221030 0.0000 0.0000 Set::IntRange::Max
5.51 0.408 4.097 114036 0.0000 0.0000 Set::IntRange::Resize
3.13 0.232 0.232 31690 0.0000 0.0000 Bit::Vector::Norm
1.82 0.135 0.197 31690 0.0000 0.0000 Set::IntRange::new
[dbolser@ebi-001 VCFLoad_simple]$ cat calculate_frequency.sql
-- Try adding an index...
#ALTER TABLE tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp
# ADD INDEX allele_1_idx (allele_1),
# ADD INDEX allele_2_idx (allele_2);
# Query OK, 277545309 rows affected (43 min 29.78 sec)
-- The above index seems to have no impact on query execution time
| image = Candida albicans 2.jpg
| image_width = 250px
| regnum = [[Fungi]]
| division = [[Ascomycota]]
| divisio = [[Ascomycota]]
| classis = [[Saccharomycetes]]
| ordo = [[Saccharomycetales]]
| familia = [[Saccharomycetaceae]]
| genus = ''[[Candida (genus)|Candida]]''
10495 git init
10496 git remote add origin
10497 git add load_vcf_simple.plx
10498 git commit -m 'first commit'
10499 git push
10500 git rebase origin
10501 git rebase origin/master
10502 git rebase origin master
10503 git remote -v
10504 git fetch (solanum_lycopersicum_variation_27_80_250)
> SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(DISTINCT allele_code_id), COUNT(DISTINCT allele) FROM allele_code;
| COUNT(*) | COUNT(DISTINCT allele_code_id) | COUNT(DISTINCT allele) |
| 1136037 | 1136037 | 0 |
1 row in set (2 min 11.99 sec)
curl "${url}/${core}/update" \
-H 'Content-type:application/xml' \
-d '<delete><query>database_name:GEBIS</query></delete>'
dbolser-ebi / outline.txt
Last active January 22, 2016 10:07
Outline of a project to manage a set of database schema across multiple MySQL instances using Percona
We have 2 'staging' databases that we use to prepare alternating
releases of our data. One staging machine is a copy of what's
currently 'live' and the other is the place where the next
release is prepared (pre-live if you like).
We have 3 'production' databases where DB heavy processes are run
in preparation for putting a database onto 'pre-live'.
We have 3 'development' databases where we run ad-hock analysis.
dbolser-ebi / what?
Last active November 30, 2015 22:29
> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT species_set_id)
FROM plantsx INNER JOIN species_set USING (genome_db_id)
INNER JOIN method_link_species_set USING (species_set_id) WHERE method_link_id = 401
GROUP BY method_link_id;
| COUNT(DISTINCT species_set_id) |
| 43 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
-host => '',
mysql-staging-2-ensrw hordeum_vulgare_core_30_83_2 -Ne '
SELECT CONCAT(">", name, char(10), sequence)
FROM temp_name INNER JOIN seq_region USING (name)
INNER JOIN dna USING (seq_region_id)' \
> Data/Hv_IBSC_PGSB_v2/bac_assemblies/morex.fasta