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dboutote / Remove Category column
Created October 30, 2014 14:54
Remove Category column from the Posts list table in WordPress admin (edit.php)
* Customize columns on list table
* @access public
* @since 1.0
* @param array $columns An array of indexes that appear on the posts lists table
* @return array $columns The filtered array of table columns
dboutote / Remove Category Dropdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Remove the category taxonomy drop down from the posts lists table in WordPress Admin (edit.php)
* Remove the category taxonomy drop down from the posts lists table
* @param string $output The resulting HTML to build the select dropdown
* @param array $r The array of arguments to build the select dropdown
* @return string $output The filtered HTML of the dropdown
<VirtualHost *:80>
##ServerAdmin postmaster@dummy-host2.localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/Development/personal-projects/grammys/site/application"
ServerName grammys.localhost
##ServerAlias www.dummy-host2.localhost
ServerAlias *.grammys.localhost
ErrorLog "logs/grammys.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/grammys.localhost-access.log" combined
'onUploadProgress' : function(file, fileBytesLoaded, fileTotalBytes, queueBytesLoaded, queueDataUploadSize) {
// Triggered periodically during a file upload
var perc = Math.round(fileBytesLoaded / fileTotalBytes * 100);
var progress = ( perc < 99 ) ? 'Uploading ' + perc + '%' : '<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i> Processing: ' +;
if( perc >= 99 ){