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#A brief intro into Stateless functions#

So stateless functions are new in React 0.14 which are quite interesting. They look a bit like this.

const Test = ({name, amount}) => {
 return <div className="test">{name} has £{amount}</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<Test name="ben" amount="-2000" />) //  <div className="test">ben has £-200</div> 
dbuentello / Gulpfile.js
Last active August 26, 2015 20:04 — forked from webdesserts/Gulpfile.js
Automatically reload your node.js app on file change with Gulp (
// NOTE: I previously suggested doing this through Grunt, but had plenty of problems with
// my set up. Grunt did some weird things with scope, and I ended up using nodemon. This
// setup is now using Gulp. It works exactly how I expect it to and is WAY more concise.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
* $ gulp server
* description: launch the server. If there's a server already running, kill it.