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David Chapman dchapman1988

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named_scope :between, lambda {|start_date, end_date| {:conditions => ["residential_insurance_applications.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date.beginning_of_day, end_date.end_of_day]} }
named_scope :before, lambda {|end_date| {:conditions => ["residential_insurance_applications.created_at < ?", end_date.end_of_day]} }
named_scope :after, lambda {|start_date| {:conditions => ["residential_insurance_applications.created_at > ?", start_date.beginning_of_day]} }
named_scope :stale, lambda { {:conditions => ["completed_at IS NULL AND updated_at < ?", DEFAULT_STALE_THRESHOLD.ago]} }
named_scope :completed, :conditions => ["completed_at IS NOT NULL"]
named_scope :uncompleted, :conditions => ["completed_at IS NULL"]
named_scope :for_agency, lambda {|agency| {:include => [{:user => [:agency]}], :conditions => [" = ?",] } }
named_scope :for_producer, lambda {|producer| {:conditions => ["residential_insurance_applications.producer_id = ?",] } }
require 'use_case_helper'
describe UseCase::Plan::Hotel::Create do
describe "when executed" do
before do
params = {name: nil, hotel_id: nil}
# Smaller names will help on your mocks
# If you get an error instead of getting something like:
require 'use_case_helper'
describe UseCase::Plan::Hotel::Create do
describe "when executed" do
before do
hotel_search_usecase_class = mock("Hotel Search UseCase Class")
hotel_search_usecase_object = mock("Hotel Search UseCase Object")
hotel_usecase_search_result = mock("Hotel Search UseCase Result")
hotel_usecase_search_data = mock("Hotel Search UseCase Data")
hotel = mock("Hotel")
License: MIT
Author: Heath Matlock
import string
import random
from time import time
from operator import itemgetter
User-agent: Googlebot
User-agent: ArchitextSpider
User-Agent: msnbot
User-Agent: yahoo-slurp
User-Agent: teoma
User-Agent: bingbot
Disallow: /*?
Disallow: /browse
Disallow: /users/