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Hack the 🌎!

Derek Ditch dcode

Hack the 🌎!
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dcode /
Last active December 8, 2021 18:47 — forked from dziban303/
Convert a section of a YouTube video to an animated GIF
dcode / cleanup_workstations.ps1
Created December 3, 2021 15:38
An example of an unsafe admin script that "gets the job done". DON'T DO THIS!
This is an example of how to hack together a script to achieve an objective, but it's a
terrible way to do it. This script was used as a scheduled task in an exercise scenario
to make a plausible mechanism for lateral movement and privilege escalation.
- Don't store passwords in the clear
- Don't run scripts with password-based SSH
- Don't use Posh-SSH to do windows admin tasks, use PS remoting over SSH
Not only does this script store a password in the clear, it passes it to the remote systems
dcode /
Created November 30, 2021 15:23
How to setup a Grandstream phone as a device on UniFi Talk

How to setup Grandstream DP750 for Unifi Talk

I've seen several posts on Reddit and other forums that say "oh you can use a grandstream phone with UniFi Talk and it's flawless". Unfortunately, I am not a VoIP engineer so it was not intuitive to me, but I got it to work. Here's how.

For this writeup, I'm using a Grandstream DP750 DECT base with a DP720 DECT wireless handset. I really wanted a wireless phone for general use in my house, but Ubiquiti doesn't make one, so I wanted to find a way. My goal is to setup UniFi Talk for my home phone solution and share a single phone number with a UniFi wired phone that sits on my office desk. As far as I know, you have to get a UniFi phone to do the initial Talk setup (though, in my tinkering, I noticed it's using a PostgreSQL database, you could probably bypass the initial setup if you knew what you were doing). I'm also using a UDM-Pro for my gateway.

Assuming your UDM-Pro management interface is on, your base station should be assigned an IP on a VL

dcode /
Created October 12, 2021 17:27
Examples of doing some cool things with podman


Podman now (well, for a while now) has support for secrets. RedHat has a blog about it. This is particularly useful to 1) maintain better compatibility with Kubernetes manifests and 2) keep your secrets out of your git commits!

So, what is not well documented (that I could find) is that you can use these secrets in a Kubernetes manifest to inject secrets into environment variables. To do this, you have to first base64 encode them as you would for an actual Kubernetes secret.

Here, I'm taking a YAML snippet, using yq to make it to JSON, then using jq to create a base64 encoded JSON. Finally, pass that to podman and tell it to create a secret called ec-creds.

dcode /
Last active September 16, 2021 17:14
Snippets of EQL for use in Elastic Timelines

NOTE: These are escaped to work in the Timelines Correlation editor in Security app (namely Kibana escapes the slashes before sending to EQL) as of 7.14.0

  • Search file path using case-insensitive regex.
file where file.path regex~ """C:\\Users\\.*\\APPDATA\\ROAMING\\[A-Za-z0-9_]{96,192}"""
dcode / local-mirrors.repo
Created January 29, 2021 16:11
Quick dirty script to maintain local repo mirrors. Serve up with httpd, nginx, or whatever
# Add this file to /etc/yum.repos.d/local-mirrors.repo
# Change the IP below accordingly
name=Base mirror
dcode / es_stack_cleanup.bash
Created November 17, 2020 22:04
Kibana and Elasticsearch cleanup
# Uses `httpie` since it's more convenient than `curl`
# Uses `jq` to filter JSON response
function clear_kibana() {
OBJECTS=$( http GET "${KIBANA_API}/api/saved_objects/_find" \
kbn-xsrf:true \
dcode / delete_kibana_saved_objects.bash
Last active November 16, 2020 19:05
Delete all Kibana saved objects. This is useful if you're developing beats modules or just want to clear out some cruft. Works with 7.x API.
# From the docs:
# Types can be: visualization, dashboard, search, index-pattern, config, timelion-sheet
# You can also have a map type, which isn't in the docs linked above
export KIBANA_API_URL='http://elastic:password@'
export OBJECTS=$(curl "${KIBANA_API_URL}/api/saved_objects/_find?fields=id&type=index-pattern&type=visualization&type=dashboard&type=search&type=index-pattern&type=timelion-sheet&type=map&per_page=1000" | jq -rc '.saved_objects[] | {"type": .type, "id": .id } | @base64')
# Loops through the base64-encoded JSON objects
dcode / docker-compose.yml
Created October 7, 2020 16:42
Docker compose to standup a local minimal Kafka cluster, useful for development purposes. Can connect from host on port 9093/tcp.
version: '2'
image: ''
- '2181:2181'
- 'data-tier'
dcode / install-driver.ps1
Created August 14, 2020 20:29
This is the Google Compute Engine install-driver file used for windows driver installation. I couldn't find it anywhere else online.
#Copyright 2018 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Script to install specific driver.
Script will add certs from the driver to TrustedPublisher store and
install driver with pnputil.
NOTE: The script needs to be run with admin priviledge.