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dean-shaff /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
import sympy as sym
x1, x2 = sym.symbols("x1 x2")
coord = [x1, x2]
g = sym.Matrix([[1,0],[0,x1**2]])
ginv = g.inv()
def christoffel(coord, g, ginv, index1, index2, index3):
coord is the list of coordinates, eg coord = [r, theta, phi]
dean-shaff /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
feedforward step for neural net
def feed_forward(self,x):
Calculate the value(s) of the neural net at the output level.
y_guess = self.act(,self.W[0])+ self.b[0])
for i in xrange(1,len(self.W)):
W = self.W[i]
b = self.b[i]
if i == len(self.W)-1:
y_guess = T.nnet.softmax(,W)+b)
void loop() {
randNumber1 = random(0,100);
randNumber2 = random(0,100);
int bigger;
if (randNumber1 > randNumber2){
bigger = 1;
bigger = 0;
while (digitalRead(pin_in1) == HIGH){
dean-shaff /
Created September 21, 2015 03:33
gravity snake game using arduino pressure sensor
Took the main functionality of this code from
import serial
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
dean-shaff / random_squares.pde
Created October 25, 2015 16:35
Random Squares computer art, originally by Bill Kolomyjec
Random Squares, originally by Bill Kolomyjec
int max_sqrs = 9 ;
int large_sqr_dim = 7;
int sqr_dim ; //= width / 7 ;
int init_sqr_dim ; // = sqr_dim / 5 ;
boolean zero_sqr = false;
dean-shaff / MLP_torch_dean.lua
Last active March 14, 2016 12:53
Building and training a simple MLP in torch
-- building the MLP
net = nn.Sequential()
net:add(nn.Tanh()) -- tanh squashing function
-- Training the net
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from mainui import MainUI
import time
from hardware_controller import Hardware_Controller
class Worker(QtCore.QThread):
update_text_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #have to pass the type str
def __init__(self, hdwr_ctrl, update_rate):
function Array2D(...)
local args = {...}
if #args == 0 then
args = {{{}}}
local array2d = {
__index = self,
vals = args[1],
shape = {#args[1], #args[1][1]},
dean-shaff /
Created September 3, 2016 20:45
Theano and Numpy speed comparison for Lorenz Attractor
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import time
def rungekuttastep(h,y,fprime,*args):
k1 = h*fprime(y,*args)
import time
import pdb
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import h5py
class LSTMLayer(object):