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Deborah Hamel deborahleehamel

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accessibility spike for Mapbox/Leaflet vs Google maps API

radio buttons - always make parent element clickable

amplify awareness - get involved with nonprofits or projects working on accessibility(NCDAE)

Length Points Week
20 minutes 10 Week 2

The Concept of Require - Research

When you start working with WebPack for GameTime, you'll notice that you can't just define a variable in one file and find it in another as easily as you can in Rails.


deborahleehamel /
Created October 17, 2016 08:06 — forked from ryanflach/
Common setup for a new Rails project
  1. rails new <project_name> -d postgresql --skip-turbolinks --skip-spring -T
  • -d postgresql sets up the project to use PostgreSQL
  • --skip-turbolinks & --skip-spring creates a project that does not use turbolinks or spring
  • -T skips the creation of the test directory and use of Test::Unit
  1. In the Gemfile:
  • Available to all environments:
    • gem 'figaro' - store environment variables securely across your app (docs)
    • Uncomment gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7' if you will be hosting your own user accounts with passwords (docs)
  • Inside of group :test:
    • gem 'rspec-rails' - user rspec in place of minitest (docs)

##Leap My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - This responder defined new variables for each condition check rather than the if/return I chose.

  • Responder #2 (here) - This person also used the if/return conditionals, but separated the last condition in a separate check.

  • Responder #3 (here) - This user did an explicit check for every condition.

##Hamming My code: here

##Leap My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - This responder defined new variables for each condition check rather than the if/return I chose.

  • Responder #2 (here) - This person also used the if/return conditionals, but separated the last condition in a separate check.

  • Responder #3 (here) - This user did an explicit check for every condition.

##Hamming My code: here

Length Points Week
15 minutes 5 Week 1

ES6 Research

Throughout the module (and your journey to Google enlightenment while working on IdeaBox2.0) you may notice a few different ways that JavaScript code is being written.

That might have something to do with something called ES6 and ES5

#Shadowing Visit to Cognizant Quickleft

####Something that was unexpected about dev team environment:

  • The dog 'Luna'
  • the new company role within Cognizant
  • no longer consulting really? One fact that stuck with me is that Cognizant has 200,000 back end devs in India.

####General info on how the team collaborates:

  • Team Retro was cool - particularly the Fibonacci Ranking system / everyone announcing their score at once.
  • It did seem that the people working in Boulder were negotiating the challenges of working with projects and teams that are separated from each other. I think the Quickleft culture wants to try and influence this.

##What is an INNER JOIN? Inner join returns records that match in both tables. An inner join requires each row in the two joined tables to have matching rows ##What is an LEFT OUTER JOIN? Left outer join has all tables in left table (say A). returns all the values from an inner join plus all values in the left table that do not match to the right table, including rows with empty values in the link column. ##What is an RIGHT OUTER JOIN? A right outer join is just like left outer join reversed. Every row from the "right" table (say B) will appear in the joined table at least once. If no matching row from the "left" table (A) exists, NULL will appear in columns from A for those rows that have no match in B.

##Question - What does SERIAL do? SERIAL is used for ids

#Asset Pipeline Scavenger Hunt

####What does it mean to concatenate files? Find an image of an example concatenated file.

  • Sprockets concatenates all JavaScript files into one master .js file
  • and all CSS files into one master .css file.
  • reduce the number of requests that a browser makes to render a web page

####Why would we want to concatenate files?

  • can mean faster loading for your application
  • Web browsers are limited in the number of requests that they can make in parallel,

Libraries as Incubators for Tech Literacy

Public Libraries are not just books

  • Libraries seem under the radar, but are evolving into accessible and thriving modern learning spaces/hubs

Libraries can meet a critical need in a community

  • Digital divide
  • Basic computer literacy
  • Access to technology, agency for individuals
  • Closing gaps - library as equalizer