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"data": {
"WebAuthenticationDetail": {
"UserCredential": {
"Key": "hjkda8wYNmOyOvWK",
"Password": "bHg28GfDFrdUlJVjXVn7Ek4S8"
"ClientDetail": {
"AccountNumber": "627915454",
"data": {
"WebAuthenticationDetail": {
"UserCredential": {
"Key": "hjkda8wYNmOyOvWK",
"Password": "bHg28GfDFrdUlJVjXVn7Ek4S8"
"ClientDetail": {
"AccountNumber": "627915454",
"code": "error.soap_fault",
"message": "Could not connect to host",
"stack_trace": [
"function": "__doRequest",
"class": "SoapClient",
"type": "->",
"args": [
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:RateRequest><ns1:WebAuthenticationDetail><ns1:UserCredential><ns1:Key>AQaNZXJYVLV8dsI4</ns1:Key><ns1:Password>cJxpt5LcwcUoCTpCTVsgaAAkh</ns1:Password></ns1:UserCredential></ns1:WebAuthenticationDetail><ns1:ClientDetail><ns1:AccountNumber>510087500</ns1:AccountNumber><ns1:MeterNumber>118788402</ns1:MeterNumber></ns1:ClientDetail><ns1:TransactionDetail><ns1:CustomerTransactionId>A-1000</ns1:CustomerTransactionId></ns1:TransactionDetail><ns1:Version><ns1:ServiceId>crs</ns1:ServiceId><ns1:Major>24</ns1:Major><ns1:Intermediate>0</ns1:Intermediate><ns1:Minor>0</n
"data": {
"HighestSeverity": "WARNING",
"Notifications": {
"Severity": "WARNING",
"Source": "crs",
"Code": "396",
"Message": "The returned rate types are in the requested preferred currency; preferred rates not returned.",
"LocalizedMessage": "The returned rate types are in the requested preferred currency; preferred rates not returned."
"data": {
"first": {
"id": 1,
"media": "",
"icon": "",
"shape": "round",
"cut": "Excellent",
"color": "k-d",
"clarity": "SI2 or above",
/* First image to video, add background image for getting the correct aspect:ratio */
/* Rescale the second image to fit height or width depending on their max size */
/* Add zoom pan effect, from the center to the right */
ffmpeg -i background.jpg -i firstimage.jpg -filter_complex "[1:v]scale='if(gt(a,4/3),1920,-1):if(gt(a,4/3),-1,1080)' [ovrl], [0:v][ovrl] overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2, zoompan=z='zoom+0.001':x='if(gte(zoom,1.5),x+1)':d=1000" -t 5.96 -r 23.976 -b:v 6500k -minrate 6500k -maxrate 6500k -bufsize 1385 -s 1920x1080 -aspect 16:9 -c:v libx264 -threads 2 -an -vcodec libx264 -b:v 6500k -minrate 6500k -maxrate 6500k -bufsize 1835k firstImage.m2v
/* Do the same for third image */
ffmpeg -i background.jpg -i -filter_complex "[1:v]scale='if(gt(a,4/3),1920,-1):if(gt(a,4/3),-1,1080)' [ovrl], [0:v][ovrl] overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-ov
<iframe allowtransparency="true" class="instagram-media instagram-media-rendered" data-instgrm-payload-id="instagram-media-payload-0" frameborder="0" id="instagram-embed-0" scrolling="no" src="" style="background: rgb(255 , 255 , 255); border-radius: 4px; border: 0px; box-shadow: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.498039) 0px 0px 1px 0px , rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.14902) 0px 1px 10px 0px; display: block; margin: 1px; padding: 0px; width: 62%; height:100%"></iframe>
foreach ($data as $i => $dataRow) {
$row = array();
$cur = &$row;
foreach ($levelNames as $levelName) {
$value = $dataRow[$levelName];
if (empty($value)) {
rodrigo@MacBook-Air-de-Rodrigo cinemex (master)$ cap production3 deploy --debug
--> Updating code base with checkout strategy
--> Clear Symonfy cache locally.............................✔
--> Dump assets with Assetic locally........................✔
Preparing to execute command: "git clone -q --depth 1 /var/www/html/ && cd /var/www/html/ && git checkout -q -b deploy 081a7571938b77bdc3dcc7353765a7b8628827b3 && (echo 081a7571938b77bdc3dcc7353765a7b8628827b3 > /var/www/html/"
Execute ([Yes], No, Abort) ? |y| yes
Preparing to execute command: "chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/"
Execute ([Yes], No, Abort) ? |y| yes
--> Creating cache directory................................Preparing to execute command: "sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/html/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/html/
rodrigo@MacBook-Air-de-Rodrigo cinemex (master)$ cap production-all deploy --debug
--> Updating code base with checkout strategy
--> Clear Symonfy cache locally.............................✔
--> Dump assets with Assetic locally........................✔
Preparing to execute command: "git clone -q --depth 1 /var/www/html/ && cd /var/www/html/ && git checkout -q -b deploy b35809a14c2d70e8e91b67543d65b2a02e180daa && (echo b35809a14c2d70e8e91b67543d65b2a02e180daa > /var/www/html/"
Execute ([Yes], No, Abort) ? |y| yes
Preparing to execute command: "chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/"
Execute ([Yes], No, Abort) ? |y| yes
--> Creating cache directory................................Preparing to execute command: "sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/html/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/html/