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Daniel Roviriego deedos

  • Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
View GitHub Profile
deedos / capar-client-linux-ubuntu-compile
Created April 21, 2013 19:18
Compile output from, Master branch, 21/04/13 - Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits - Qt 4.8.1 - Qt Creator
12:41:47: Running build steps for project Solution...
12:41:47: Starting: "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/ -r -spec linux-g++
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Common/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Caspar/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Gpi/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Core/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Widgets/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Shell/
12:41:47: The process "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" exited normally.
12:41:47: Starting: "/usr/bin/make" -w
deedos / capar-client-linux-ubuntu-compile-shadow-build
Created April 22, 2013 13:09
Compile output from, Master branch, 22/04/13 - Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits - Qt 4.8.1 - Qt Creator - USING SHADOW BUILDING
10:05:53: Running build steps for project Solution...
10:05:53: Starting: "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/ -r -spec linux-g++
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Common/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Common]
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Caspar/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Caspar]
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Gpi/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Gpi]
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Core/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Core]
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Widgets/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Widgets]
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Shell/ [/home/aovivo/src/Client/Solution-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH__System__Release/Shell]
10:05:53: The proces
deedos / comople after changes for linux
Created April 24, 2013 13:28
Compile output from, Master branch, 24/04/13 - Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits - Qt 4.8.1 - Qt Creator
10:26:47: Running build steps for project Solution...
10:26:47: Starting: "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/ -r -spec linux-g++
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Common/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Caspar/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Gpi/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Core/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Widgets/
Reading /home/aovivo/src/Client/src/Shell/
10:26:47: The process "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" exited normally.
10:26:47: Starting: "/usr/bin/make" -w
2014-01-03 15:04:14.212 - info: [caspa_backends] binding to mongo collections: transforms, medias, pieces, lists, scheds, status, mostomessages, , .
2014-01-03 15:04:14.240 - error: uncaughtException: Cannot find module 'mbc-common/models/Auth' date=Fri Jan 03 2014 15:04:14 GMT-0200 (BRST), pid=12415, uid=0, gid=0, cwd=/home/aovivo2/src/mbc-caspa, execPath=/usr/local/bin/node, version=v0.10.18, argv=[node, /home/aovivo2/src/mbc-caspa/server.js], rss=33812480, heapTotal=31151360, heapUsed=11909144, loadavg=[0.11572265625, 0.30615234375, 0.40576171875], uptime=10387.852181045, trace=[column=15, file=module.js, function=Function.Module._resolveFilename, line=338, method=Module._resolveFilename, native=false, column=25, file=module.js, function=Function.Module._load, line=280, method=Module._load, native=false, column=17, file=module.js, function=Module.require, line=364, method=require, native=false, column=17, file=module.js, function=require, line=380, method=null, native=false, column=19, file=/home/aovivo2/s
sudo make
git submodule update
npm install
npm WARN package.json walk@2.2.1 No repository field.
npm WARN excluding symbolic link test/backbone-relational.js -> ../backbone-relational.js
node server.js
Cannot write runtime.json file Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/node_modules/mbc-common/config/runtime.json'
Error: watch ENOENT
at errnoException (fs.js:1019:11)
at FSWatcher.start (fs.js:1051:11)
# PiVT Configuration File
# Note that PiVT can be operated in two modes, either as the network-controlled
# video server it was designed as or in alternate 'playlist' mode (or both,
# just pick up the playlist where it left off)
# The three dashes at the start of the file are important, please leave them in!
# Folder where video files can be found (--folder). Absolute paths recommended!
deedos / gist:c85dd9dc8551eba11506
Created September 10, 2014 16:46
seção chamada multicam primeira fase
<!-- MULTICAM -->
<div id="multicam_lupi" class="menuanchor"></div>
<div class="multicam">
<div class="content_lupi">
<div class="label">
<img src="img/multi60x60.png" width="60">
<p>O internauta decide qual câmera destacar</p>
#N canvas 387 171 693 588 10;
#X declare -lib mrpeach;
#X declare -lib moocow;
#X text 21 571 SEE ALSO:;
#X obj 417 541 pdstring;
#X obj -181 359 print bytes2any-help;
#X obj -180 336 bytes2any 128 0;
#X obj 13 217 any2bytes 128 -1;
#X obj 13 262 print any2bytes-help;
#X obj 189 463 tcpclient;
deedos /
Created July 14, 2015 19:12
Instalação e configuração de nginx-rtmp module e ffmpeg para transcoding

Instalação e Configuração de nginx-rtmp com live transcoding - S.O : Debian SID stable

  • Instalar ffmpeg da fonte:

  • Instalar nginx com módulo rtmp

      git clone
      tar -xvf pcre-8.36.tar.bz2
      tar -xvf nginx-1.9.3.tar.gz
      cd nginx-1.9.3
<div class="videoWrapper">
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="/path/to/your/clappr" width="640"></iframe></div>
<style type="text/css">.videoWrapper {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */
padding-top: 25px;
height: 0;
.videoWrapper iframe {
position: absolute;