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Pry jednoducha pisemecka aneb vzhuru ke svetlejsim zitrkum :-/
Maximum bylo 6 bodu.
1. 6 57. 2.5 113. 1.5 169. 1 225. 0.5 281. 0
2. 5 58. 2.5 114. 1.5 170. 1 226. 0.5 282. 0
3. 5 59. 2.5 115. 1.5 171. 1 227. 0.5 283. 0
4. 5 60. 2.5 116. 1.5 172. 1 228. 0.5 284. 0
5. 4.5 61. 2.5 117. 1.5 173. 1 229. 0.5 285. 0
6. 4 62. 2.5 118. 1.5 174. 1 230. 0.5 286. 0
deepj@popelnice:~$ rake-compiler cross-ruby VERSION=1.9.1-p0 SOURCE=
mkdir -p /home/deepj/.rake-compiler/builds/ruby-1.9.1-p0
mkdir -p /home/deepj/.rake-compiler/sources
cd /home/deepj/.rake-compiler/sources
wget || curl -O http://www.deep-j
--2009-04-26 00:20:12--
Navazuje se spojení s||:80… spojeno.
HTTP požadavek odeslán, program čeká na odpověď… 200 OK
Délka: 9025004 (8,6M) [application/x-gzip]
Compiling Passenger support files...
# /usr/local/bin/ruby -S /usr/local/bin/rake clean nginx
/usr/local/bin/rake:19:in `load': Is a directory - /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-compiler-0.4.1/lib/rake (Errno::EISDIR)
from /usr/local/bin/rake:19:in `<main>'
public ModelAndView listByTitle() {
List<Book> sorted = bookDAO.getAll();
java.util.Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator(){
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Book b1 = (Book) o1;
Book b2 = (Book) o2;
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href="#" title="Lorem ipsum">consectetur</a> adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href="#" title="Lorem ipsum">consectetur</a> adipiscing elit.
Quisque nisl. Duis dapibus <a href="#" title="Blabla">vulputate risus</a>. Sed a diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

This is how I debug SystemStackError when there is no stack trace.

My first attempt was:

rescue SystemStackError
  puts caller

The Lean Startup - Notes, Quotes, and Choice Snippets

Characteristics of a lean startup:

  1. Uses "platforms enabled by open source and free software."

  2. Agile development