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demircan-s / example.php
Created January 8, 2020 15:20
Bad example of using callbacks
class Person{
private $surname = "Doe";
function getSurname(callable $fn){
return $fn($this->surname);
echo (new Person())->getSurname("strtoupper"); //DOE
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
function printStatus(CharacterUndoDecorator $decorator)
list('x' => $x,'y' => $y,'speed' => $speed) = $decorator->getXYAndSpeed();
echo "Current Status: x:{$x}, y:{$y}, speed:{$speed}" . "<br> \n";
function undoAndPrint(CharacterUndoDecorator $decorator)
class CharacterUndoDecorator implements CharacterInterface
private CharacterInterface $character;
private array $undoStack = [];
public function __construct(CharacterInterface $character)
class Human implements CharacterInterface
private int $x,$y,$speed;
public function __construct(int $x = 0,int $y = 0,int $speed = 3)
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
class Bird implements CharacterInterface
private int $x,$y,$speed;
public function __construct(int $x = 0,int $y = 0,int $speed = 5)
$this->x = $x;
interface CharacterInterface
public function moveInXAxis(int $times): void;
public function moveInYAxis(int $times): void;
public function changeSpeed(int $change): void;
$math = function(int ...$args) : array{
$operations = [];
$operations["Addition"] = function() use ($args){
$result = 0;
foreach($args as $val)
$result += $val;
return $result;
demircan-s / Anonymous.php
Created December 25, 2019 23:19
An anonymous function is a Closure as well
function hello(){
return function() {
echo "Hello";
echo get_class( hello() ); // Closure
//It takes a function as an argument
function execute(callable $myFunc)
//Prints "Hello there!"
echo "Hello there!";
function sum(int ...$args){
$sumVal = 0;
for($i = 0;$i < count($args);$i++)
$sumVal += $args[$i];
return $sumVal;