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Denny Crane den-crane

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den-crane / ch_join_algorithm.sql
Last active April 18, 2024 16:25
CH 22.12 join_algorithm
create table A (A Int64, B Int64, S String) Engine=MergeTree order by A
as select number,number, toString(arrayMap(i->cityHash64(i*number), range(100))) from numbers(1e7);
select * from A a join A as b on a.A = b.A format Null;
SET join_algorithm = 'hash';
Peak memory usage (for query): 32.62 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 20.700 sec. Processed 20.00 million rows, 41.31 GB (966.18 thousand rows/s., 2.00 GB/s.)
den-crane / NullableVsInt.sql
Created March 11, 2020 00:43
Denny Crane [not a Yandex bot], [Mar 10, 2020 at 6:34:43 PM (2020-03-10, 6:34:50 PM)]:
create table XXN (A Int64, B Nullable(Int64)) Engine=MergeTree order by tuple()
insert into XXN select 45545645, null from numbers(100000000);
select column, formatReadableSize(sum(column_bytes_on_disk)) bytes_on_disk, formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_uncompressed_bytes)) uncompressed
from system.parts_columns
where active = 1 and table like '%XXN%'
group by database,table, column
2024.03.08 03:54:38.022312 [ 141144 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 86304192
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024139 [ 140747 ] {} <Trace> BaseDaemon: Received signal 11
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024287 [ 930727 ] {} <Fatal> BaseDaemon: ########## Short fault info ############
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024679 [ 930727 ] {} <Fatal> BaseDaemon: (version (official build), build id: E65ACEFD4C4A4F209A1529998C6032754B52A0FC, git hash: 135b08cbd28a5832e9e70c3b7d09dd4134845ed3) (from thread 141144) Received signal 11
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024693 [ 930727 ] {} <Fatal> BaseDaemon: Signal description: Segmentation fault
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024700 [ 930727 ] {} <Fatal> BaseDaemon: Address: 0x70. Access: read. Address not mapped to object.
2024.03.08 03:54:38.024705 [ 930727 ] {} <Fatal> BaseDaemon: Stack trace: 0x0000000007234f2e 0x0000000010d3bdd3 0x00000000114c0215 0x00000000114c39f2 0x000000001170b275 0x000000000c931314 0x000000000c8ee83e 0x00007f5233abdfd4 0x00007f5233b
den-crane / gist:f7382cd4f1f859ff6ac46afe7dc9925a
Created October 15, 2018 15:06
Populate AggregatingMergeTree through null table
create table z(a date, b Int64) Engine=MergeTree Partition by toYYYYMM(a) order by a;
insert into z select today(), number from numbers(1000000000);
insert into z select yesterday(), number from numbers(1000);
create table mv_z_store(a date, max_b AggregateFunction(MAX,Int64)) ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree Partition by toYYYYMM(a) order by a;
create table temp(a date, b Int64) Engine=Null;
create MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_z to mv_z_store AS SELECT a, maxState(b) AS max_b FROM temp GROUP BY a;
insert into temp select * from z;
drop table mv_z;
drop table temp;
den-crane / uniqState_uniqMerge
Last active December 29, 2023 02:02
CH AggregatingMergeTree uniqState uniqMerge
drop table z;
drop table mvz;
create table z(d Date, u String) Engine=MergeTree partition by tuple() order by tuple();
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mvz ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree(d, (d), 8192) as select d, uniqState(u) as us from z group by d
insert into z select today()-number%571, concat('usr',toString(rand()%664579)) from numbers(100000000);
optimize table mvz final;
optimize table z final;
select (uniqMerge(us)) as unique from mvz group by d order by d;
571 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.300 sec.
den-crane / CH-event-sourcing-using-AggregatingMergeTree
Last active December 29, 2023 02:02
event sourcing using AggregatingMergeTree
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS final_states_by_day;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS final_states_by_day_mv;
CREATE TABLE states_raw
process String,
state String,
stateint Int64,
statevalue Float64,
drop database uniq_test;
create database uniq_test;
USE uniq_test;
create table events(ts DateTime, uid UInt64, site_id UInt32, browser LowCardinality(String))
Engine=MergeTree partition by toYYYYMM(ts) order by (site_id, toStartOfHour(ts));
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree
partition by toYYYYMM(day) order by (site_id, browser, day)
den-crane / Clickhouse-fast-not-exists
Last active November 3, 2023 10:53
Clickhouse fast not exists
ClickHouse server version 18.14.12 revision 54409.
create table data(K Int64, V String) engine=MergeTree order by K;
insert into data select number, toString(number) from numbers(100,100000000);
optimize table data final;
create table buffer(K Int64, V String) engine=Memory;
insert into buffer select number, toString(number) from numbers(0,1000);
den-crane / wierd_compression.sql
Created October 30, 2023 21:20
key_zstd1 Int64 CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
key_lz4 Int64 CODEC(LZ4),
key_t64_zstd Int64 CODEC(T64,ZSTD(1)),
key_int8 Int8 CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
r Int32
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (key_zstd1, r);
den-crane / uniqHLL12_vs_uniqTheta
Created October 25, 2023 21:48
uniqHLL12 vs uniqTheta
create table x (a Int64, b Int64, c Int64,
u AggregateFunction(uniqHLL12, String),
t AggregateFunction(uniqTheta, String))
Engine=MergeTree order by (a,b,c);
insert into x select number%11111 a, number%44 b, number%3 c, uniqHLL12State(number::String), uniqThetaState(number::String)
from numbers(1e7) group by a,b,c;
optimize table x final;