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Devdatta Kane devdatta

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~/projects/jruby ➔ cat blah.rb
# hello_world.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
sleep 2
"Hello world, it's #{} at the server!"
devdatta /
Created May 11, 2010 15:22 — forked from jeroenvandijk/
Instructions for setting up the prepackaged Rails test environment
# These commands will help you setup the Rails test environment without problems
# Copy paste all of following commands in your normal terminal and the following things will happen:
# - rails_test_box dir is created
# - rails master branch is checkout in the dir rails
# - A Gemfile is created and all the gems to run the virtualbox are installed using bundler
# - The rails vagrant box is downloaded and added to your vagrant boxes
# - A Vagrantfile is created for vagrant

Rails 2.3.5 on App Engine (DataMapper)

We assumed Rails 2 would never work without rubygems, and we committed to gem bunlder for JRuby on App Engine, so we were waiting for Rails 3. Fortunately, Takeru Sasaki was able to patch the Rails 2.3.5 calls to rubygems, and now we have it working. Rails 2.3.5 currently spins up several seconds faster than Rails 3, and just a few seconds behind Sinatra.

See the TinyDS version also:

Install the Development Environment

The gems for the development environment include a pre-release appengine-tools gem that provides a pre-release version of jruby-rack.

sudo gem install google-appengine
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= # guest user
if user.role? :admin
can :manage, :all
can :read, :all
# Inspired by
module SubdomainAccounts
def self.included( controller )
controller.helper_method(:account_domain, :account_subdomain, :account_url, :current_account, :default_account_subdomain, :default_account_url)
class ApplicationHelper
def breadcrumbs
result = "".html_safe
association_chain.each_with_index do |item, index|
# note that .name works for both classes and objects
result << link_to(, association_chain[0..index])
result << " &raquo; ".html_safe
devdatta / first.rb
Created June 21, 2010 05:28 — forked from mtodd/first.rb
def get_bread_crumb(request, separator = " &raquo; ", breadcrumb = [], so_far = '/')
url = request.respond_to?(:request_uri) ? request.request_uri : request
elements = url.split('/')
elements.each_with_index do |element, i|
is_last = i == elements.size - 1 # whether this is the last item or not
so_far += element + '/' # the URL for this element
breadcrumb << # append this element to the breadcrumb
case element

Copy this script to ".git/hooks/post-checkout" in your repository and make it executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/post-checkout

Tweak it at will. I'm refreshing the bundle and restarting the app server because the Gemfile is different on my "hosted" branch than on other branches.

Copy this script to ".git/hooks/post-checkout" in your repository and make it executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/post-checkout

Tweak it at will. I'm refreshing the bundle and restarting the app server because the Gemfile is different on my "hosted" branch than on other branches.