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Paz Entre Nós, Guerra Aos Senhores

Davi Marcondes Moreira devdrops

Paz Entre Nós, Guerra Aos Senhores
View GitHub Profile
candlerb /
Last active April 24, 2024 19:22
Suggestions for go project layout

If someone asked me the question "what layout should I use for my Go code repository?", I'd start by asking back "what are you building: an executable, or a library?"

Single executable

Stage 1: single source file

Create a directory named however you want your final executable to be called (e.g. "mycommand"), change into that directory, and create the following files:

marcelgsantos /
Last active March 12, 2024 19:03
Documentação de Arquitetura de Sistemas - Compilado de Perguntas e Respostas Feitas na Comunidade

Questões sobre Documentação da Arquitetura de Sistemas

1. Perguntas

Fiz algumas perguntas nas redes sociais e ferramentas de comunicação como Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, Discord e Telegram sobre como as pessoas costumam documentar a arquitetura de sistemas.

  1. Vocês costumam desenhar diagramas para documentar a arquitetura dos sistemas que vocês constroem?

  2. O que vocês costumam representar: código, infraestrutura ou ambos?

alexrios /
Last active June 27, 2021 09:40
Go Concorrente

Go Concorrente


  • Concorrência
  • Scheduler
    • internals (semantics)
  • Deadlocks, Livelocks e starvation
  • O que é CSP?

Nivel 1

lisawolderiksen /
Last active July 15, 2024 19:38
Use a Git commit message template to write better commit messages

Using Git Commit Message Templates to Write Better Commit Messages

The always enthusiastic and knowledgeable mr. @jasaltvik shared with our team an article on writing (good) Git commit messages: How to Write a Git Commit Message. This excellent article explains why good Git commit messages are important, and explains what constitutes a good commit message. I wholeheartedly agree with what @cbeams writes in his article. (Have you read it yet? If not, go read it now. I'll wait.) It's sensible stuff. So I decided to start following the

murilohns /
Last active March 10, 2021 18:20
Integração de Split de Pagamentos na VTEX

Integração de Split de Pagamentos na VTEX

Neste documento, vamos explicar o passo a passo de como usar a integração de split de pagamentos na plataforma VTEX.

Caso tenha dúvidas sobre o que é o split de transação, recomendamos que leia este artigo que explica todos os detalhes.

Requisitos para venda com split

Antes de começar, certifique-se de que você tem os pré-requisitos abaixo:

mohanpedala /
Last active July 22, 2024 13:08
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
rhymes / kvencoder.go
Last active June 29, 2022 19:13
key=value encoder for logging library zap (a giant hack)
// adapted from
// and
package logging
import (
giansalex /
Last active June 18, 2024 08:44
docker-php-ext-install Reference
RUN apt update
RUN apt upgrade -y
RUN apt install -y apt-utils
RUN a2enmod rewrite
RUN apt install -y libmcrypt-dev
RUN apt install -y libicu-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) intl
RUN apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng12-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ 
pierrejoubert73 /
Last active July 19, 2024 18:06
How to add a collapsible section in markdown.

How to add a collapsible section in markdown

1. Example

Click me


  1. Foo
  2. Bar
    • Baz
  • Qux
michaelneu / Dockerfile
Last active October 17, 2022 05:37
docker-compose configuration for PHP with NGINX and MySQL, including sendmail, MailDev and phpmyadmin
# see for more information
FROM php:5-fpm
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y ssmtp mailutils && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysql mysqli sysvsem
RUN pecl install xdebug-2.5.5 \
&& echo "zend_extension=$(find /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ -name" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini \