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Devon Govett devongovett

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devongovett / height.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
Set the height of a PDF page retroactively
// add content
// this sets the height in the actual PDF output
// MediaBox[1] is really the Y, but PDFs use a flipped coordinate system
// where y=0 is at the bottom.
// make sure you do this before adding another page[1] = - doc.y;
var $ = require('jquery');
var transitionEvents = 'transitionend msTransitionEnd webkitTransitionEnd';
var visibilityEvents = 'visibilitychange mozvisibilitychange msvisibilitychange webkitvisibilitychange';
* Runs the given callback when the next transition on the selected element finishes.
* Sometimes the transitionend event doesn't fire when the page is in a
* background tab, so we also handle the page visibility events here too.
DBC = new r.Struct
# ...
stringBlockOffset: -> 4 * 5 + @recordCount * @recordSize
ptr: new r.Pointer(uint32le, new r.String(null), relativeTo: 'stringBlockOffset')
webView = [[CPWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(199,0,(CGRectGetWidth(bounds)-199),CGRectGetHeight(bounds))];
[webView setAutoresizingMask: CPViewWidthSizable | CPViewHeightSizable];
[webView loadHTMLString:@"<center><h3>Tmp String</h3></p>"];
[contentView addSubview:webView];
var request = [CPURLRequest requestWithURL:"Your URL Here!"];
listConnection = [CPURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
docs = [CPDictionary dictionary];
var request = [CPURLRequest requestWithURL:"your xml file here!"];
listConnection = [CPURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
//Connection Delegate Stuff
- (void)connection:(CPURLConnection) aConnection didReceiveData:(CPString)data
if (aConnection == listConnection){
var tmp = document.createElement("div");
tmp.innerHTML = data;
Path parser by Devon Govett
Input: String path
Returns: Array of objects with command and arguments
//Number of allowed parameters for each command
var parameters = {
A: 7,
a: 7,
class Animal
move: (meters) ->
alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."
class Snake extends Animal
constructor: (name) ->
@name: name
move: (distance) ->
alert "Slithering..."
__hasProp: true
yearsOld: {max: 10, ida: 9, tim: 11}
ages: for child, age of yearsOld
child + " is " + age
# compiles into this JavaScript, which will not work
var _a, _b, age, ages, child, yearsOld;
var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
__hasProp = true;
// #1. Standard hash, but with relationships defined outside of that hash
db.define('Employee', {
name: Record.type('String').required(),
employee_number: Record.type('Number').defaultValue(123)
Employee = new db.Model(function() {
this.key("name", String, { required: true });
this.key("email", String);