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#How to install M4B to MP3 Python Script in Ubuntu 14.04

I was looking for a script/library to convert chapterized M4B audiobooks into separate MP3 files, split by chapter.

There is one, indeed, but the instructions are meant to be used for Ubuntu 10. It is called M4B Converter.

These are the steps I followed to make it work with Ubuntu 14.04

dexbarrett /
Created June 10, 2016 20:54 — forked from joelhooks/
It seems trivial to record a 1-8 minute screencast, but there are actually quite a few moving parts when it comes to recording a **high quality** screencast. Here's some of our thoughts on the subject.

Recording a Great Coding Screencast

The Screen

First and foremost a coding screencast is about the code, and we need to make sure it looks great. There are a few aspects to this that help ensure that is the case.


720p is the target resolution. In pixel terms this is 1280x720. We've gotten the best results when we record at 2560x1440 in a HiDPI (pixel double) mode, giving an effective visible resolution of 1280x720, but extremely crisp. This resolution is achievable on 27" monitors and retina MBPs.

dexbarrett / install.cmd
Created April 14, 2019 16:02
This is how I install node dependencies (laravel-elixir with node-sass) in my homestead machine on vagrant
npm install --no-bin-links || npm install --no-bin-links
npm rebuild node-sass --no-bin-links
dexbarrett /
Created April 22, 2024 23:33 — forked from Jibbarth/
⚡Recreate Github CLI OAuth feature in a Symfony command ⚡

⚡Recreate Github CLI OAuth feature in a Symfony command ⚡

Github recently released a CLI tool to manage issues and PR directly from your terminal. As I work on some open source projects, I downloaded it to give a try.

And at first launch, the CLI ask to connect by using OAuth. It propose to press "Enter" to open in my browser, and catch correctly the access_token.

That .. blown my mind 🤯 I didn't expect we can connect through terminal like this. So, as it's open source, I dived into the code source.