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Last active January 8, 2021 18:06
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Fixes crappy design of new Shutterstock earnings page, enables sort on ID and hopefully will fix other stupid things SS team did
// ==UserScript==
// @name Shutterstock.NewEarnings
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.10
// @updateURL
// @description Fixes crappy design of new Shutterstock earnings page, enables sort on ID and hopefully will fix other stupid things SS team did
// @author GG
// @match*
// @match*
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// NEW:
// v1.0 First attempt at fixing crap that SS programmers did with non-existant UX skills
// put everything on one page if there is more than one screen of info
// TBD:
// load tabs immediatelly
// show everything on one page, as it should be
'use strict';
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// =========== PARAMETERS ===========
var enableDatePicker = true; // if you don't need date picker, set this to false
var enableTableSorter = true; // SS sorts on stupid things, this enables sort by ID (puts newest on top)
var linkToOldDailyStats = false; // better to do it with bookmarklet. see
var addRows = true; // load all rows to earnings table
var timeout = 2000; // wait so many ms before applying tablesorter - gotta do it, because of the async calls
// ==/UserScript==
var daily = window.location.href.indexOf("daily") + 1;
// i use smoothness theme for the datepicker and here we load external CSS
if ((daily) && (enableDatePicker)) {
var link = window.document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = ''; // get smoothness CSS; check for others, just change the theme name in url
document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(link); // other themes:, have fun!
if ((daily) && (enableTableSorter)) {
var link = window.document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = '';
$j(document).ready(function() {
(!daily) && fixDailyStatLinks();
(daily) && (enableDatePicker) && addDatePicker();
(daily) && (addRows) && ($j("ul.pagination")) && addTableRows();
(daily) && (enableTableSorter) &&
$j("table.table").tablesorter( {sortList: [[1,1]]} ); // [1,1] reverse sort column with index 1 (second) - [1,0] will sort ascending
}, timeout);
function addDatePicker() {
// wrap table element with div.ggHack because we're gonna need to import HTML content of different pages
// get date from URL
var datepicker = document.createElement('div'); = "datepicker";
if (localStorage.getItem("positionDatePicker")) {
var position = $j.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("positionDatePicker")); = + "px"; = position.left + "px";
$j("div#earnings-container table:first").append(datepicker);
stop: function(event, ui){
localStorage.setItem("positionDatePicker", JSON.stringify(ui.position));
$j("div#datepicker").hover( function() {$j(this).css("cursor", "move");}, function(){ $j(this).css("cursor", "default"); });
$j("div#datepicker").datepicker({ // check for API and play with options
maxDate: "+0D", // not much fun to go beyond today, no stats will be available
showOtherMonths: true,
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
defaultDate: window.location.href.match(/date=(\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d)/)[1], // get the default date from the URL
firstDay: 1, // start with monday, set to 0 for sunday (but why!?)
showButtonPanel: true,
currentText: "This month",
yearRange:"2003:+0", // don't want to go to pre-Shutterstock times...
onSelect: function(selected,event) {
$j("div.gginfo").show(); // when we select date, load stats for the date and show the image info div
function updateTable(date){
var newLink = window.location.protocol + "//" + date;
window.location.href = newLink; // some day i may load just the table, but today is not that day
// following code created by
function addTableRows() {
try {
var howMany = $j("ul.pagination input")[0].max;
catch(err) {
var url = window.location.href;
var newurl;
var count = 20;
for (var i = 2; i <=howMany; i++) {
newurl = url + "&page=" + i;
//var newdata = $j.get(newurl + "table.details-table tbody");
$j("div#earnings-container div.row:last").append("<table id=\"temp" + i + "\"></table>");
$j("table#temp" + i).hide();
$j("table#temp" + i).load(newurl + " table.table tbody:first", function () {
for (var j = 2; j <=howMany; j++) {
$j("table#temp" + j + " tbody tr").each(function(a,tr) {
// if (enableTableSorter) { this.setAttribute("role","row"); };
$j("table.table tbody:first").append(tr);
// remove nav
function fixDailyStatLinks() {
var url = window.location.href;
var date;
var newdate;
var newurl;
$j("tr.earnings-day td a").each( function() {
date=$j(this).text(); //.replace(/\//g,"-");
newdate = date.replace( /(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/, "$3-$1-$2");
if (linkToOldDailyStats) {
(newurl = "" + newdate);
$j(this).prop("href", newurl);
// fix $ sign
$j(".text-right").each( function() {
function CreateStyles() {
var sheet = (function() {
var style = document.createElement("style");
return style.sheet;
var alink = "cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;";
var datepick = "position: fixed; top: 60px; left: 15px; font-size: 12px; width: 300px";
addCSSRule(sheet, "", alink, 0);
addCSSRule(sheet, "div#datepicker a", alink, 0); // make pointer when hovering over linkable elements
addCSSRule(sheet, "div#datepicker", datepick, 0);
function addCSSRule(sheet, selector, rules, index) {
if("insertRule" in sheet) {
sheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + rules + "}", index);
else if("addRule" in sheet) {
sheet.addRule(selector, rules, index);
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dell640 commented Feb 8, 2017

Hi, thanks for sharing, its great! Can you please mux all Earning types (Subscriptions+On demand+Enhanced+Single & other) to one page as it was in old style? That will make your code perfect :)


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claudio0 commented Feb 13, 2017

Hi, thanks, great script!

Error report (version 1.2.11): in "Image statistics" the total Earned amount - and as a result the Return per download - are wrong, not taking today's downloads into account, e.g.:
Earned 0.38$ (0.38$ Today)
Downloaded 2 times (1 time today)
Return per download: 0.19$

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Hi! Thank you for sharing!
In my opinion, the current color differentiation on the "alternative arrangement" is not very informative. Maybe, you can divide the colors under license. For example: green for the requirements of blue - video, red - enhanced ...
And since all the types of licenses are currently in one page in the "representation of the table", different colors may also be useful

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Hello thank You for script. Please add option "sort by download time"

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Probably on the website Shutterstock something changed. MISSING string "Show alternative layout". Please specially Your script. Thank you!

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Same here, alternative layout has gone, I think since they added the 'View payment history' link. :( :(

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Big thank you for the update! My eyes are much happier :)

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Clicking on the image id has stopped working now, they must have changed something else :(

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It would be great if someone could add a next day/previous day option, to easily navigate back and forth, without having to pick a day from the calendar or getting back to the parent page!

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Thank you. I think it would be very useful to write a script that generates an HTML document with a table showing a list of images with links to them that have never been sold. This will allow them to be deleted, re-loaded or sent to other stocks. Could you do this?

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