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Dan Fitch dgfitch

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// extremely fake example of decomposing multiple constructors
type Node = A of string | B of int | C of string * int
type Pair = Node * Node
type NodeList = Node list
type Structure = Simple of Pair | Complex of NodeList
let f =
"e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild" (IntegrationTests target) (1) ->
(IntegrationTests target) ->
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : DTC.Tests.Web.TestWeb.TestPathAtRoot: System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null.
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : Parameter name: str
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.HasIllegalCharacters(String[] str)
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access, AccessControlActions control, String[] pathListOrig, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath, Boolean copyPathList)
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission..ctor(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String path)
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : at System.Uri.ParseConfigFile(String file, IdnScopeFromConfig& idnStateConfig, IriParsingFromConfig& iriParsingConfig)
e:\dtc\dtc.msbuild(81,5): error : at System.Uri.GetConfig(UriIdnScope& idnScope, Boolean& i
let (|SeqEmpty|SeqCons|) (xs: 'a seq) =
if Seq.isEmpty xs then SeqEmpty
else SeqCons(Seq.head xs, Seq.skip 1 xs)
let rec CompareSeq (f : 'a -> 'a -> string option) (a:seq<'a>) (b:seq<'a>) =
match a, b with
| SeqEmpty, SeqEmpty -> None
| SeqCons(x,_), SeqEmpty -> Some <| sprintf "Sequence length differs, expecting %A" x
| SeqEmpty, SeqCons(x,_) -> Some <| sprintf "Sequence length differs, not expecting %A" x
| SeqCons(ax,arest), SeqCons(bx,brest) ->
open FParsec.Primitives
open FParsec.CharParsers
type Action = {
PlayerName: string
Kind: string
Money: float
type SeatInfo = {
dgfitch / IComparison.fs
Created March 18, 2010 17:11
NOT working example of IComparable on an interface
// example of generically defining a complex IComparable on an interface, using only that interface definition
type IFake =
abstract Path: string with get, set
abstract IsSection: bool with get, set
abstract ModifyDate: DateTime with get, set
abstract Content: DateTime with get, set
interface System.IComparable with
member this.CompareTo x =
let TIME_SKEW = 60.0
let a = [(1,"hi");2,("there");3,("guys")] |> Map.ofList
let b = [(1,"hi");2,("there");4,("dudes")] |> Map.ofList
let in_map map k = Map.containsKey k map
let map_intersect m1 m2 = Map.partition (fun k _ -> in_map m1 k) m2 |> fst
let c = map_intersect a b
type TreeReader<'a> = {
Children: 'a -> 'a seq
StateForPath: string -> 'a
StateToNodeBasic: 'a -> NodeBasic
StateToNode: 'a -> Node
BasePath: string
BaseState: 'a
Settings: SyncSettings option
ReadTranslations: TranslationList
type Settings = string
type Actor<'a> = { State: 'a; Settings: Settings }
with member x.Action() = printfn "Fake %A" x.State
let Awesome(x:int, s)= { State = x; Settings = s }
let Terrible(y:string, s) = { State = y; Settings = s }
type Language =
// type in comment!
let x = 12
and also
let y = "Hooray!"
// Given an ('a -> bool) list and an 'a list, generate a list
// containing any items that pass all of the functions
let FilterListByList filters =
let trueForAll n = List.forall (fun f -> f n)
let onFilterList n = trueForAll n filters
List.filter onFilterList
let FilterListByListOneLiner filters =
List.filter ( fun i -> List.forall ( fun f -> f i ) filters )