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Olivier Audard dharFr

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dharFr / delete-likes.js
Created September 2, 2023 00:07
Delete Tweets, RT & Likes from your Twitter/X account, from the browser console
* 1. Go to "Likes" section of your profile (e.g.<your_twix_handle>/likes)
* 2. Open browser Console (Cmd + Option + I on Mac, F12 otherwise?)
* 3. Copy/Paste the script and press enter to run it.
* At some point, depending on the number of items you need to process, you might see the following error in the console:
* > "the server responded with a status of 429"
* That's TwiX rate limiting. Reload the page, wait a few minutes/hours before trying again, and you should be fine.
* Inspired from
dharFr / jquery.pinger-0.2.js
Created July 26, 2011 15:43
$.pinger : jQuery plugin for ping-URL process
* $.pinger
* If your page runs into an iframe hosted by another domain, you may want to keep the session open.
* This plugin automates the "ping URL" process and provides some options.
* The pinger will ask the given URL every 'interval' minutes if it detects
* some activity by listening to the events listed in 'listen' parameter.
* Have a look to the 'defaults' variable below for further details about available parameters and default values.
dharFr / pre-commit
Created March 26, 2017 23:24
Shellcheck pre-commit hook
# This pre-commit hook run `shellcheck` against your code when you go to commit.
# See:
# To use this script copy it to .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable.
# Work out what to diff against, really HEAD will work for any established repository.
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
dharFr /
Created February 28, 2012 00:39
jQuery based observer pattern
;(function($) {
* jQuery Observer pattern
* inspired by @addyosmani 's code
* see:
var topics = [];
function getTopic(id) {
var callbacks;
topic = id && topics[id];
dharFr /
Last active March 26, 2017 23:25
Open JIRA from the terminal


  • Copy/Paste the function defined in in you .bash_profile or .bashrc
  • Export JIRA_ROOT variable in your environemnt (most likely in your .bash_profile/.bashrc as well) : export JIRA_ROOT=''


jira [issue]
dharFr /
Last active January 4, 2016 17:19
Quikly setup a local HTTPS server for dev/test purpose

1- Generate a self-signed SSL certificate using openssl

1.1- Generate a key file

> openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024

1.2- Create a certificate request (CSR) with that key

dharFr /
Created October 29, 2013 09:00
Testing keyboard (aka remote) events received in a few TV browsers.

Here is the results of a few tests I ran on various "TV browsers" environments.

I wanted to know how those TV environements behaves regarding keyboard events. Is there a reliable standard way of handling remote controllers that we can work with?

The simple JS script I used to test keyCode behavior is available here :

Tested devices :

dharFr /
Last active December 20, 2015 15:29
Quickly share your local GIT repo

On your side :

> cd ~/path/to/your/repo/
> git daemon --reuseaddr --verbose  --base-path=. --export-all ./.git

On your co-worker side :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="A Simple Video Instant Preview Demo" />
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<video id="video" controls></video>