I hereby claim:
- I am dickoa on github.
- I am dickoa (https://keybase.io/dickoa) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 188B 5A3A C523 96A3 1BED AAA6 D4F1 DBD4 6340 C474
To claim this, I am signing this object:
### Download file | |
url <- "http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v3/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt" | |
tmp <- tempfile() | |
download.file(url, destfile = tmp, method = "curl") | |
### Read the file and select colnames | |
dat <- readLines(tmp) | |
col_names <- unique(grep("^Year", dat, value = TRUE)) ## select colnames | |
col_names <- strsplit(col_names, "\\s+")[[1]] |
library(foreign) | |
set.seed(1) | |
df <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1e8), ncol = 10)) | |
write.csv(df, "/tmp/test.csv", row.names = FALSE) | |
write.dta(df, "/tmp/test.dta") |
library(dplyr) | |
library(RPostgres) | |
mydb <- src_postgres(dbname = "yourdb" | |
user = "user", | |
password = "password", | |
host = "localhost", | |
port = 5432L) | |
require(ncdf4) | |
loadMesonetData <- function(filename, stationFilename = "station_info.csv") { | |
data <- read.csv(file.path(data_path, filename)) | |
station_data <- read.csv(file.path(data_path, stationFilename)) | |
list(data = data[,-1], dates = data[,1], station_data = station_data) | |
} | |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
{ | |
"name": "hrp", | |
"title": "Humanitarian Responses Plan", | |
"type": "cookbook", | |
"columns": [ | |
"#targeted", | |
"#region", | |
"#country", | |
"#adm1" | |
], |
{ | |
"name": "hno_sector", | |
"title": "Humanitarian Needs Overview", | |
"type": "cookbook", | |
"columns": [ | |
"#inneed", | |
"#region", | |
"#country", | |
"#adm1", | |
"#sector" |
{ | |
"name": "hno_sector_drc", | |
"title": "Humanitarian Needs Overview for DRC", | |
"type": "cookbook", | |
"columns": [ | |
"#inneed", | |
"#sector" | |
], | |
"recipes": [ | |
{ |
{ | |
"name": "hno_ukr", | |
"title": "Ukraine: Humanitarian Needs Overview", | |
"type": "cookbook", | |
"columns": [ | |
"#inneed", | |
"#affected", | |
"#loc", | |
"#country" | |
], |
year | poc | n | |
2010 | Internally displaced persons | 25 | |
2010 | UNRWA refugees | 4.7 | |
2010 | UNHCR refugees | 10.5 | |
2010 | Asylum-seekers | 0.8 | |
2010 | Venezuelans displaced abroad | 0 | |
2011 | Internally displaced persons | 22.4 | |
2011 | UNRWA refugees | 4.8 | |
2011 | UNHCR refugees | 10.4 | |
2011 | Asylum-seekers | 0.9 |